All Finance articles – Page 451

  • Leader

    Beleaguered NICE is powerless to call off postcode lottery


    The NHS is caught in a media storm over access to drugs, with NICE at the centre.

  • News

    Health gap between rich and poor areas narrows


    The quality and outcomes framework has reduced the link between low-income areas and poor primary healthcare, a study suggests.

  • News

    Ambulance finances break even


    Ambulance service trusts are not in financial crisis through their efforts to meet the government target for emergency response times.

  • News

    NICE chairman hits back


    National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence chairman Sir Michael Rawlins has hit back at criticisms of the institute's work.In an exclusive article for, Sir Michael says the institute's critics are ignoring the realities of modern healthcare and the resources available and are misrepresenting the facts.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Finance: make your business boom


    Commercialism in the health service means that trusts must look for profitable growth. Stuart Shepherd explains how developing service-line reporting can achieve this

  • Comment

    NICE chairman hits back at critics


    Some recent criticisms of NICE's work ignore the realities of modern healthcare and misrepresent the facts. Institute chairman Sir Michael Rawlins sets the record straight

  • Comment

    Michael White on relatonships with the media


    A grizzled ex-minister, just back from an evidently refreshing holiday, was muttering the other day about what he calls the 'BBC mindset', by which he means all of us in the inky-fingered media trades.

  • News

    Fighting fraud


    Jon Restell, chief executive of Managers in Partnership, raises concern about the sometimes ambiguous terms of reference used by the NHS Counter Fraud Service, and questions whether such matters should be dealt with by auditors.

  • News

    IT may change funding plans


    A new IT system could pave the way for a substantial change in the way primary care trusts and GPs are funded, HSJ has been told.

  • News

    PCTs suspect trusts may be allowing top ups


    Primary care trusts have received few requests from patients wishing to 'top up' their care but are concerned that hospitals are doing so without their permission.

  • News

    Patients with rarer cancers face 'postcode lottery'


    Patients with rarer cancers face a postcode lottery over whether their 'exceptional requests' for NHS treatment are granted, the charity Rarer Cancers Forum has claimed.The charity is calling for national guidance on how primary care trusts should make such decisions.

  • News

    £550m set aside to fund Darzi


    The Department of Health has set aside £150m from next year's NHS budget and £400m in 2010-11 to pay for the commitments set out in health minister Lord Darzi's review.

  • News

    Accounting rule changes to cost hospitals £146m


    New accountancy rules will bring up to 16bn of extra debt onto the NHS balance sheet and cost hospitals 146m a year.

  • News

    Scotland to invest in dental facilities


    The Scottish government has announced a £75m investment in dental and medical facilities.

  • News

    Unison votes to re-open pay deal


    Health workers' union Unison has voted to re-open a multi-year pay deal.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: taking on obesity


    As health secretary Alan Johnson packed up for the summer, he left a stern warning about the dangers of overindulgence.

  • News

    Private patient earnings


    In your article 'Survey finds hidden private income', the placing of the paragraph that names Tameside Hospital suggests that the trust would exceed by 89 per cent its current private patient cap in a scenario in which money recouped from private insurers for treating road accident victims was excluded. This ...

  • News

    Unemployed are told to kick the benefits habit


    In a radical move to cut the benefits bill, the government intends to force drug users into treatment and the long-term sick back to work. What will this mean for the health service, asks Charlotte Santry

  • News

    Joint appointment smooths way for Kingston merger


    Kingston primary care trust and council are consulting on plans to integrate. The PCT and local authority have appointed the first joint director of finance as part of a move to promote greater partnership working.

  • News

    Ruling against 'sexist' bonus


    Thousands of female NHS staff will be able to lodge claims for extra pay following a Court of Appeal ruling.