All Finance articles – Page 453

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Developing a successful pay strategy


    Intense competition between NHS trusts for senior executives means remuneration committees now have a key role in performance and talent management. Peter Boreham considers how non-executives can develop and run these committees effectively

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Young people's sexual health


    While the GP practice seems an obvious place for improving uptake of sexual health screening, funding issues are slowing progress, says Caroline White

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: What's the verdict?


    We invite three health pundits to pull no punches and deliver their judgments on the past and future of the NHS

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Déjà vu


    Healthcare has moved on apace since 1948, with treatments that would have amazed medics of the time. Yet in other areas time seems to have stood still, says Niall Dickson

  • News

    Latest data on consultant and nurse pay


    The NHS Information Centre has published estimates of annual basic pay and total earnings for NHS staff based on payments between January and March 2008.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Why NHS must keep an eye on the private sector


    The greatest benefit the private sector can bring to the nation is not to control the tax burden but to make NHS users demand better services

  • News

    Private care poses little threat to the NHS, finds IPPR report


    The private healthcare industry poses little threat to the NHS, but the government should act to safeguard consumers and calm residual fears, a think tank has concluded.

  • News

    Scottish government to fund extended GP hours


    The Scottish government has earmarked up to £2.65m to help GP practices extend their opening hours by employing more nurses.

  • News

    More information needed on construction projects - Audit Scotland


    The Scottish government and Parliament should be given better information before key decisions are made about public construction projects such as hospitals, according to a report by Audit Scotland.

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    Provider arms should scrutinise unprofitable services


    Primary care trust provider arms must be prepared to question the future of unprofitable services in order to succeed as standalone organisations, the NHS Confederation conference has heard.

  • Comment

    Michael White on specialist trauma response


    The other day health minister Ben Bradshaw read out to concerned MPs a list of all the places on the body where young people get pierced these days.

  • News

    Foundation says it will use surplus to loosen PFI ties


    The chief executive of the foundation trust with the biggest cash surplus has said his organisation will use its £120m to minimise its dependence on the private finance initiative.

  • Comment

    Updating top-up rules need not be a dagger to the heart of NHS


    Just days before its 60th birthday the NHS is being forced to re-evaluate its founding principle - that treatment is based on clinical need not the ability to pay.

  • News

    Top-up review set to question core NHS principles


    The 'founding principles of the NHS' are to be revisited after the government launched a review of the ban preventing patients making 'top-up' payments for drugs.

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on community tariff appeal


    'The biggest black box in the NHS' was how my fellow columnist Simon Stevens last month described the £10bn or more spent by English PCTs on district nursing, therapies and other mainstream community healthcare.

  • News

    Review of top-up policy announced


    The government is to review its policy on patients who want to top up NHS care with private treatment, health secretary Alan Johnson has announced.

  • News

    DH evades Treasury cap on central budgets


    The Department of Health will use part of its own internal underspend to release itself from Treasury-imposed cut backs in administrative spending. As part of the comprehensive spending review the Treasury imposed a two per cent (£5m) reduction each year to the DH’s central budget of£225m. But in its business ...

  • News

    Trust financial forecasts prove wide of mark


    Scores of NHS organisations reported end-of-year financial surpluses that were at least 25 per cent wide of their initial forecasts.

  • News

    Labour's NHS vision let down by reforms


    New Labour's reforms have failed to deliver its vision to transform the health service, a major report has concluded.The joint Audit Commission and Healthcare Commission report finds the overhaul of the health service under the 2000 NHS Plan has, in many areas, fallen well short of expectations.

  • Comment

    Michael White on dealing with the Treasury


    Right, enough of this gloom. All together now, we are going to say 'let's stay cheerful for the rest of this column, whatever happens'.