All Finance articles – Page 456

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS constitution should focus on value for money


    The NHS constitution should include a financial charter setting out how commissioners must achieve value for money, rather than just a set of anodyne values, a think tank has claimed.

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    Scotland's personal care funding gap must be filled


    Free personal and nursing care in Scotland needs better funding and planning, says a new report.

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    Lib Dems scrap free social care promise


    The Liberal Democrats have formally ditched their policy of free social care in England. The party has opted instead for a co-payment system based on the one set out by Sir Derek Wanless for the King's Fund.

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    BMA damned by its own staff in leaked survey


    The British Medical Association has been labelled 'old-fashioned and change averse' by its own staff in a survey leaked to HSJ.

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    Health check rating benchmarks 'unfair'


    Trusts are being unfairly marked down in their annual performance ratings because of changing targets and over-reliance on patient data, according to managers.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Integrated care - lessons from America


    The US healthcare industry is often ranked below the UK system in international comparisons. But the UK health service still has much to learn from America about integration and partnership working

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    GPs paid £20m for sickness and maternity cover


    GP practices in England were paid more than £20m last year for locums to cover sickness and maternity leave in their practices, HSJ has learnt.

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    Scotland settles drug price-fixing claim


    Scottish ministers and health boards have settled a civil claim against a pharmaceutical company for allegedly fixing the price the NHS is charged for drugs with other pharmaceutical companies.

  • HSJ Partners

    Pay review results announced


    NHS Employers has reached agreement with Unison, the Royal College of Nursing and the Department of Health on proposals for a three-year pay deal for staff on Agenda for Change pay bands.

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    Mental Capacity Act resources released


    The Department of Health has announced the allocation of resources for work in relation to the Mental Capacity Act.

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    Funding for drug treatment in prisons gets go-ahead


    The Department of Health has approved funding for enhanced clinical services for drug treatment in 38 prisons.

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    Free Scottish care comes under review


    The Scottish policy on free personal and nursing care is sound but needs better planning for the future to ensure its long-term sustainability, a review has found.The review sets out a 12-point action plan that includes addressing the current funding gap, standardising assessment and delivery and ensuring costs are accurately ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sexual health - protection plea


    Stuart Shepherd visits Nottingham to see how the NHS is coping with a surge in sexually transmitted infections, amid calls to keep them top priority

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    Government firm on pay offer in face of threats


    The government has made it clear it will not back down over NHS pay, despite threats of industrial action.

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    Breaking away: Wales maps out its own future


    The Welsh Assembly has plans for a third way between an internal market and a command and control system, with local health boards losing control of the commissioning purse strings. Alison Moore explains

  • Comment

    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on acute trust challenges


    The financial year just gone has not been the easiest for acute services, with tough targets, population changes and possible structural shifts all putting pressure on trusts.

  • News

    Union rejects staged pay deal


    Unite, the third largest union in the NHS, has rejected the proposed three-year NHS pay deal.It argues that the deal, which is nominally worth around 8 per cent over three years, could be worth much less if inflation rises higher than Treasury expectations.

  • News

    Scotland boosts dementia funding


    A new funding package of £1.6m will go towards improving support for sufferers of dementia, anxiety and depression in Scotland.The package includes funding for practical projects offering support and advice to dementia sufferers and their families.

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    Physiotherapists voice concerns over pay offer


    The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists is the latest trade union to express its concerns over the government's pay offer.

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    Vaccine development threatened by cost-cutting


    What should be a 'golden era' in the development of vaccines is being threatened by a drive to cut costs, a report by a leading academic says.