All Finance articles – Page 457

  • News

    NHS funds exclusive GP practices


    HSJ has uncovered further evidence of NHS-funded GP practices in prestigious institutions which are not accessible to ordinary members of the public.

  • News

    Inappropriate A&E use could mean fines for family doctors


    The Department of Health is considering proposals to charge back to GPs the treatment cost of patients who visit accident and emergency departments instead of their family doctor, HSJhas learned.The proposals could emerge as part of the Darzi review this summer.

  • Leader

    Fines could turn access screw - if they do not scare off GPs


    The plans being discussed by junior health minister Lord Darzi to effectively fine GPs when patients inappropriately use walk-in centres, accident and emergency departments and minor injury units, illuminate some of the darker corners of primary care policy.

  • News

    Union condemns NHS pay deal 'threat'


    Unite has condemned what it calls a threat by NHS chief executive David Nicholson to stage the 2008-09 NHS pay award if the unions do not back a three-year pay deal worth 7.999 per cent.In a letter, Mr Nicholson says: 'If the proposed agreement is not accepted by union members, ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Recruiting financial talent in the health sector


    Recruiting and retaining the best financial minds is about more than just offering the right salary. NHS organisations need to get the word out about their unique selling points if they are to compete for the best candidates, argues Nick Hague

  • News

    BMA celebrates pensions decision


    The British Medical Association has welcomed the government's decision not to appeal against the outcome of the judicial review into the calculation of GP pensions.

  • News

    DH poaches GP guarantee payments to fund pay rise


    The Department of Health has begun its clawback of the controversial minimum practice income guarantee by accepting a pay recommendation for GPs that would give practices an average net increase of 0.2 per cent.The move came as other NHS staff groups were offered a three-year pay deal worth 2.75 per ...

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on boardroom drama


    The setting: A hospital boardroom. A meeting of the executive team of an NHS trust is about to take place.

  • News

    £700k pay-off report kept under wraps


    An auditors' report on the controversial pay-off of a trust chief executive and the employment of an interim replacement at more than twice his salary will not be made public until July.

  • News

    Unions criticise NHS pay deal


    Eight unions representing health sector workers have joined forces to criticise the multi-year pay offer for NHS staff announced this week.

  • News

    Agenda for Change pay award agreed


    The Department of Health, NHS Employers, Unison and the Royal College of Nursing have agreed on a proposed three-year pay package for all NHS Agenda for Change staff.The proposal includes acceptance in full of the 2008-09 NHS pay review body's recommendations for a 2.75 per cent pay rise for nurses ...

  • HSJ Partners

    Research funding: raising the game


    I recently heard from an experienced research colleague that commissioning bodies need to 'kick evaluators out of their comfort zone'. He proposed that evaluators and researchers deliver less than they could because funders are not really engaged, interested, or skilled enough to ask for more.

  • News

    Simon Stevens on improving payment by results


    In my last column, I discussed evidence on how payment by results is actually working.

  • News

    PCTs face tough questions on QOF reporting


    Data published for the first time today by HSJ reveals the GPs who exclude the most patients from their quality incentive scheme.

  • News

    Patient access put at heart of quality framework


    Changes to the GP quality and outcomes framework unveiled this week by NHS Employers reflect the government's intention to improve patient access to general practice.

  • News

    ISTC payment framework announced


    The Department of Health has set out the costs it is prepared to cover as a result of last year's rescoping of the phase two independent sector treatment centre programme.

  • News

    Call to target NHS money at young people


    A leading Church of Scotland minister believes the NHS should stop using its money to keep the elderly alive and spend it on the young instead.

  • News

    NHS dentistry spending rises by 50 per cent


    NHS expenditure on dental services increased by 53 per cent between 1997-98 and 2005-06, figures published today by the Information Centre for health and social care show.The strategic health authority showing the greatest percentage increase in expenditure over this period was South Yorkshire at 69 per cent. The lowest rise ...

  • News

    Former NHS executive jailed


    A former NHS executive has been jailed for 12 months for forging land profits in an attempt to wipe out his trust's financial deficit.

  • Leader

    Practices' minimum income is a guarantee of health inequity


    Figures obtained byHSJ this week reveal huge variations in the amount GP practices are paid for doing their job, regardless of how many patients they serve or the severity of their needs.