All Finance articles – Page 458

  • News

    Corporate manslaughter: you could be in the dock


    From 6 April NHS organisations could be prosecuted for corporate manslaughter if someone dies in their care, but different interpretations of the law mean trusts may be unclear about their responsibilities. Ingrid Torjesen attempts to unravel the new actFor more in-depth information about the act, register for HSJ’s free corporate ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Specialised commissioning: who will stand up for rare conditions?


    As PCTs respond to popular local demand, the government must ensure illnesses that affect relatively few people are cared for too

  • News

    Huge variation in GP practice pay regardless of size of list


    Figures obtained by HSJ reveal the extent to which the national GP contract has driven inequity across the country, with huge variations in payments to practices, regardless of the number and need of their patients.

  • Supplements

    Round table - clinical priorities: a dose of realism


    Wonder drugs will play a part in transforming healthcare - but a roundtable of experts brought together by HSJ and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry said implementing best practice could be even more important. Alexis Nolan reports

  • Comment

    Let's cut NHS waste


    As a clinician with an interest in management, the waste in the NHS astounds me. There are huge variations in drugs that do practically the same thing, such as statins, and numerous different types of joint replacement and procedural systems that work efficiently in one hospital but are unworkable in ...

  • News

    NHS London focuses on Brent financial crisis


    A report into the financial crisis at Brent primary care trust has highlighted 'grave failings' in leadership.

  • News

    London's neediest areas are worst off


    London primary care trusts facing the biggest health challenges are saddled with the greatest funding shortfalls, a new coalition of private and voluntary organisations has warned.

  • News

    Foundation trusts query accounting changes


    Foundation trusts have raised concerns that forthcoming changes to accounting rules could undermine efforts to get hospitals to focus on where they make and lose money.

  • News

    Auditors concerned over Hinchingbrooke's £38.7m deficit


    Auditors for Hinchingbrooke Health Care trust have raised 'serious concerns' over its projected £38.7m deficit for 2007-08, as the trust's savings plans are not sufficient to cover it.

  • News

    Ill health costs £100bn


    People should be kept healthy at work and be helped to return to work if they get ill, according to a review of work-related health services.The review, led by national director for health and work Dame Carol Black, found that ill health costs £100bn a year and that the human ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS continuing care: a new batch of claims?


    Compensation claims from patients who were denied continuing healthcare on the NHS are beginning to hit finance directors' desks. David Lock explains how to respond to them

  • Comment

    Guarantees are vital to ISTC success


    Your piece on independent sector treatment centres, 'ISTC contract guarantees will saddle NHS with £187m bill', misses some fundamental points, writes David Worskett

  • Comment

    GP hours - what a mess


    Well, well, well. What a shock the National Audit Office has stated that GPs earn lots more money for working fewer hours. This is something that has been widely known for some time, writes Les Collister

  • News

    FESC is thrown open without Treasury probe


    The Department of Health has extended its commissioning support programme without carrying out an expected value-for-money assessment of the scheme, HSJ has learned.Health secretary Alan Johnson announced last week that the framework for procuring external support for commissioners, FESC, is now open to all primary care trusts to buy in ...

  • News

    Noel Plumridge on Darling's discipline


    Yesterday's Budget announcement held few surprises for the NHS. As expected. Nowadays, the important public finance figures are published in the autumn, and it would have been disappointing indeed if chancellor Alistair Darling had revisited the NHS assumptions in last October's spending review.

  • Comment

    Michael White on Darling's budget


    By the time you read this, Alistair Darling's first Budget will have reinforced Gordon Brown's latest promise to make our great public services more competitive and accountable to their customers. They are all Blairites now.

  • News

    Treasury puts off plan to move PFI schemes on balance sheet


    The Treasury has given the NHS a year's stay of execution over changes to accountancy rules with major implications for private finance initiative schemes. The move to international financial reporting standards was due to be implemented across the public sector from this April.

  • News

    IT programme saved £208m


    The national programme for IT saved the NHS £208m in 2006-07, a report on the benefits of the programme is expected to say.

  • News

    Warning over cuts to healthcare education budgets


    Cuts in healthcare education budgets in the NHS will have a 'devastating effect' on the UK's ability to train the next generation of health professionals, health educators have warned.

  • News

    £525m funding boost for NHS Scotland


    A funding boost of £525m for new and improved NHS facilities, equipment upgrades, and IT systems across Scotland has been announced.