All Finance articles – Page 460

  • News

    NHS board funding formula to change


    A new formula for allocating budgets to NHS boards in Scotland will be introduced from 2009-10.

  • News

    Trust plans to scrap jobs and shelve units


    Trafford Healthcare trust has launched a turnaround plan in a bid to avoid a £7m deficit next year.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Where NICE leads, can commissioners follow?


    There is still a chasm between the process of writing recommendations and the people responsible for commissioning the services to deliver them. Can world class commissioning bring these closer together, asks Martin Dougherty

  • News

    Basic data 'should be free'


    The chief executive of the Information Centre has promised to 'put right' the perception that Dr Foster has Intelligence unfair access to NHS data.

  • News

    Accounting change could strain PFI


    The Department of Health has refused to say whether or not it has set aside any resources to help trusts cope with a major change to private finance initiative schemes later this year.

  • Comment

    Whither NHS reform?


    Richard Vize makes a sweeping dig at the British Medical Association and GPs, your traditional villains, and will probably get a quick laugh from the cheap seats. But has HSJ missed a point here?

  • News

    Trafford Healthcare Trust launches turnaround plan


    Trafford Healthcare Trust has launched a turnaround plan in an effort to avoid a £7 million deficit next year.

  • News

    Carer strategies to get extra £9m


    An additional £9m will be provided to NHS boards across Scotland over the next three years to bolster the implementation of carer information strategies.

  • Comment

    BMA will fight


    It is not the BMA which is 'grossly misrepresenting' the argument over GP opening hours. It is the government's campaign of misinformation, inaccurate media reporting and misleading articles such as Richard Vize's blinkered editorial, writes Robert Morley

  • Comment

    Is it reasonable to audit GPs' hours?


    Far from 'standing between patients and a better service' over longer GP opening hours, the British Medical Association has said most GPs would offer appointments in extended hours, writes Richard Vautrey

  • News

    Trust defends repainting to greet prince


    Birmingham Children's Hospital foundation trust has defended using government funding to repaint hospital wards and a conservatory used by patients and visitors ahead of a royal visit.

  • News

    Training cuts could stifle talking therapy


    A government pledge to make 'talking therapies' more available is being jeopardised by higher education funding cuts, training providers have claimed.

  • Comment

    Sophie Christie on the Lucentis drug controversy


    The latest media celebration of how terrible the NHS is gathers pace. The press has been reporting that people are going blind because they are being refused a drug (as opposed to going blind because they have a degenerative disease). Yet the fourth estate seems to be missing a far ...

  • Comment

    Find the funds to keep violence in check


    Uniquely among the main care disciplines, mental health services routinely have to manage a triangle of potentially violent relationships: patients attacking staff, patients attacking each other and - when it comes to restraining aggression - staff using force on patients.

  • News

    Monitor blocks Unison court move on private patient income


    Monitor has attempted to block Unison's judicial review by launching a three-month consultation into its interpretation of the foundation trust private patient income cap.

  • News

    NHS reforms have hardly begun, claims think tank


    The government's reform of the NHS remains 'embryonic' and in some cases is in 'full retreat', the think tank Reform has claimed.

  • News

    Auditor finds PbR has 'questionable' impact on efficiency


    Payment by results has had a 'questionable' impact on driving up efficiency in the NHS, the Audit Commission has concluded.

  • News

    All or nothing: patients are told no to private top-ups


    Patients who choose to buy drugs that the NHS will not fund are being told they will have to pay for all their treatment - not just that part. Should trusts relent and offer mix-and-match packages of care, or would that mean a two-tier service? Alison Moore reports

  • News

    Breakdown of cross-border agreements is costing English trusts millions


    Diverging health policies in England and Wales are causing English hospitals to lose millions of pounds.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Review of unsocial hours payments


    The NHS Staff Council is recommending its proposals for a new system of unsocial hours payments to the Department of Health.