All Finance articles – Page 461

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Review of unsocial hours payments


    The NHS Staff Council is recommending its proposals for a new system of unsocial hours payments to the Department of Health.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equal pay claims


    Employers should already be aware that all equal pay claims involving a legal challenge to Agenda for Change have been stayed by order of the Tribunals. This order, however, applies only to the part of the claim involving the challenge to Agenda for Change. Employers should consult with their lawyers ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equal pay claims


    Employers should already be aware that all equal pay claims involving a legal challenge to Agenda for Change have been stayed by order of the Tribunals. This order, however, applies only to the part of the claim involving the challenge to Agenda for Change. Employers should consult with their lawyers ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Pension changes save employers £430m a year


    Pension scheme changes that were agreed between NHS Employers and NHS trade unions will save employers £430m a year, according to a government actuary report published in December.

  • News

    Monitor takes third way on private patient income


    The foundation trust regulator Monitor has revealed it will take action in response to the threat of a judicial review over its guidance to trusts on expanding private patient work.

  • News

    Funding for Scottish NHS boards rises to £8bn


    Funding for NHS boards in Scotland will rise to £8bn next year, health and well-being secretary Nicola Sturgeon has announced.

  • News

    Guidance on reference costs collection


    A document has been released outlining the requirements for the 2007-08 reference costs collection.

  • News

    DH publishes costing manual


    The Department of Health has published a manual setting out the principles and practice of NHS costing.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Alan Maynard on hard questions for NICE


    Everyone accepts that resources are scarce and that rationing in the NHS is ubiquitous. Rationing involves depriving patients of care from which they might benefit and would like to have. The most explicit instrument for rationing in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is the National Institute for Health and Clinical ...

  • News

    Scotland's personal care policy questioned


    Scotland's flagship free personal care policy needs to be better funded and managed if it is to work in the future, the public spending watchdog warned last week. A report from Audit Scotland reveals budget shortfalls and ambiguities in the way the policy was implemented.

  • News

    Unison takes Monitor to court in wake of income cap silence


    Unison has launched judicial review proceedings against foundation trust regulator Monitor in a bid to stop trusts using arm's-length organisations to expand private patient work.

  • News

    Who foots the bill: establishing responsibility for patient care


    Delaying admission while PCTs decide who should pay disrupts care and adds to bureaucracy. Should we look to local government for guidance? Lynn Eaton reports

  • Comment

    Michael White on social care's big year


    This is a big year for social care, possibly the biggest for a generation, says minister Ivan Lewis whenever he gets the chance. 'We've got to get it right.'

  • News

    Six firms shortlisted for £80m NHS Choices contract


    Six companies have been shortlisted to run the Department of Health's NHS Choices website, HSJ can reveal.

  • News

    Agency staff overpaid, claim Conservatives


    Agency staff - including managers, finance staff and nurses - are being paid inflated hourly wages, the Conservative Party has claimed.

  • News

    Review of free personal care to report in March


    Lord Sutherland today confirmed that the independent funding review of free personal and nursing care in Scotland, which he is leading, is on track to report at the end of March.

  • News

    Scottish plan to fight fraud


    NHS bodies in Scotland will be encouraged to appoint 'counter-fraud champions' in a bid to stop money being illegally siphoned from the health service.

  • News

    Market slows as Peterborough PFI deal closes


    Peterborough's £505m private finance initiative deal was the fifth largest UK public-private partnership to reach financial close last year, analysis by Infrastructure Journal has found.

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on resource allocation


    Buried on page 39 of the 2008-09 operating framework are two bland statements. The first says primary care trusts will receive an increase of 5.5 per cent or £3.8m in revenue allocations in 2008-09, with allocations announced for one year and no changes to PCT baselines.

  • News

    Patients denied admission as PCTs argue over who will pay


    Patients deemed to be a threat to themselves or others are being denied hospital beds while commissioners squabble over money.