All Finance articles – Page 468

  • News

    Tariff delays hit specialists


    Further delays to the specialist tariff under payment by results could jeopardise applications for foundation trust status, according to managers.Chief executive of the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Andrew Woodhead told HSJ the Department of Health 's announcement last week to delay the publication of a list of providers eligible for ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Payment by Results briefing


    In the April 2002 budget, the government announced the introduction of patient choice and the abolition of locally negotiated block contracts between primary care trusts and providers. Instead, it set up a system that would see hospitals paid for the activity they undertook under a system called payment by results.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Raj Persaud on what motivates us


    The reasons for our actions may not be as straightforward as they seem, says Raj Persaud

  • Comment

    Simon Stevens on the spending review's hidden shallows


    Although comprehensive spending review negotiations consume hundreds of person years in Whitehall, this effort is largely pointless, argues Simon Stevens

  • Comment

    Michael White on Brown's bottler government


    What a political week! The NHS may have ended up with a better-than-expected settlement from Alistair Darling’s comprehensive spending review, but voters will not be grateful to ‘Bottler Brown’ and his mates for a while.

  • News

    Figures show gains in NHS efficiency


    The NHS is working smarter to improve productivity, according to new figures published by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement.

  • News

    Baby units stretched, claims charity


    Services for sick and premature babies are being stretched to the limit, according to a leading charity.

  • News

    £170m funding boost for therapy


    The Department of Health has announced a £170m expansion of psychological therapies in an attempt to provide better support for people with mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on what the spending review means for health


    In an exclusive, Noel Plumridge explains how the government's spending round will affect the health sector

  • News

    Spending review: Darling surpasses expectations with a 4 per cent funding boost


    The NHS has been given a major boost with a higher than expected funding increase of 4 per cent a year over the next three years.Chancellor Alistair Darling said in the comprehensive spending review on Tuesday that spending on health will increase from £90bn this year to £110bn by 2010-11.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS Employers and BMA publish findings on practice funding


    NHS Employers and the British Medical Association’s GPs committee have published a joint report on the outcome of the consultation on the review of the global sum allocation formula for practice funding.

  • Comment

    Jon Allen on lessons from private equity


    NHS organisations can learn a lot from the ways private equity operators turn tight cash control to effect, says Jon Allen

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health developments: doctors on the football pitch


    Sports stadiums are proving mutually attractive as shared sites for NHS health centres, and interest in such ventures is on the increase. Lynne Greenwood is your commentator

  • News

    Road-testing tariff published


    The Department of Health has published the 2008-09 payment by results tariff for road-testing. Feedback on the tariffs is invited by 9 November.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Cost Effective Partnership Working


    WinnerBirminghamEast andNorth PCTNo need to teach an old dog new tricks.Arrangements made under the Health Act Flexibilities led to the then Eastern Birmingham PCT undertaking responsibility, in 2004, for an integrated provision with a pooled fund for Intermediate Care Services. The partnership arrangement with Birmingham City Council’s Adults and Communities ...

  • News

    Money for nothing in the ISTC labour crisis


    They were meant to cut waiting times for routine operations, but independent sector treatment centres continue to go under-used while primary care trusts foot the bill. Alison Moore reports

  • News

    ISTC contract shortcomings are exposed


    An HSJ investigation has found that the vast majority of independent sector treatment centres did not deliver the work contracted for in 2006-07.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Data Briefing: efficiency efforts begin to pay off


    A year after their first publication, the NHS Better Care, Better Value indicators are starting to reflect efforts to improve the efficiency of NHS care.

  • News

    New formula to boost funds for poor areas


    Scottish health secretary Nicola Sturgeon has promised that no NHS board will see a cut in its budget if a proposed new funding formula is adopted.

  • News

    Ambulance trusts worry commissioners will neglect specialist service


    Emergency chiefs fear commissioners will balk at paying for an ambitious plan to allow specialist paramedics into the heart of major incidents, including terrorist attacks.