All Finance articles – Page 470

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    Union 'gobsmacked' by ambulance funds blow


    North West Ambulance Service trust has admitted it can only afford to buy 35 of the 128 ambulances it needs to replace, raising questions over the reconfigured service's buying power.Board papers from the service, which was formed in July 2006 following the merger of four trusts, say it needs to ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The NICE threshold


    How costly or cheap, relative to its benefits, does a healthcare technology have to be to justify its rejection or acceptance by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence?

  • Comment

    Michael White on panic politics


    'I imagined patients queuing outside their local hospital, just like Northern Rock'

  • News

    BMA U-turn on GP pay plan


    The British Medical Association has distanced itself from proposed changes to GPs' pay that it jointly produced. It has argued that too many GPs will lose out under the proposals.

  • News

    The NHS wasted its big chance - will it learn from its mistakes?


    Sir Derek Wanless has declared the NHS has made lacklustre progress since its 2002 cash injection. Nigel Edwards looks at his findings in detail and considers the key lessons

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    Michael White on politics


    The old saying that 'it never rains but it pours' seems unusually apt this soggy summer. But this week the saying also applied to Britain's elderly people when the High Court ruling on Aricept, the Alzheimer's drug, was accompanied by a torrent of reports highlighting deficient aspects of their treatment.One ...

  • News

    Where NHS finance goes wrong


    A new report has called for more "honesty" in financial forecasting in the NHS.Health trust chief executives and finance directors are frightened of publishing bad financial forecasts for fear of losing their jobs, claims the report by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)."Understandably, they may delay bad news for ...

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    High Court drugs ruling marks latest skirmish in war of words


    The High Court ruling upholding the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence's decision over medication for Alzheimer's is just the latest skirmish in what promises to be protracted manoeuvring over drug use and pricing.

  • News

    DoH to push choice policy using payment by results


    The government has announced it will begin using payment by results to drive choice.

  • News

    EU cancer case


    The European Commission has been asked to investigate whether a primary care trust can refuse to pay for drugs that are being funding elsewhere.In a case which, if it succeeds, would set a precedent for local PCT decisions on prescribing, Tory MEP Chris Heaton-Harris is calling on the European Commission ...

  • News

    Home births to be included in payment by results tariff


    Home births will be included in the payment by results tariff next year to support choice for women the chief executive of NHS has announced.

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    Herts bags early winner with stadium bid


    As the football season cranks into action, Watford have scored an early goal in a PFI partnership with West Hertfordshire Hospitals trust.The trust hopes to share£80m-£100m of its costs by building a new hospital in Watford as part of a development encompassing a new stadium, housing, a hotel and conference ...

  • News

    PCTs assured over ICATS liability


    Primary care trusts in the North West will not have to pay out if the number of patients using privately operated clinical assessment services is lower than anticipated.NHS North West has moved to allay concerns that PCTs across the patch would be forced to pay for the integrated clinical assessment ...

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    Anna Donald on drugs in the headlines


    Hardly a day passes without press reports on products of one kind or another, be they heart drugs, vitamin tablets or laser surgery.Of late: the diabetes drugs Avandia and Actos may cause heart failure. Our national heart disease director Professor Roger Boyle thinks all men older than 50 should take ...

  • News

    Remove DoH from the NHS, says academic


    The government should consider an 'alternative' comprehensive spending review which proposes new models of funding for the health service, according to a report published later this month.

  • News



    Patients should be a given a personal budget to pay for their healthcare directly, according to a report from the University of Birmingham’s Health Services Management Centre.The paper suggests personalised budgets would empower NHS patients to take control of their care, similar to direct payments for social care. Our ...

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    2,000 in move to own homes


    Nearly 2,000 people with learning disabilities are to be moved into their own homes after the DH announced £175m in funding for primary care trusts to close NHS institutions.

  • News

    Call to redirect NHS funds to councils


    The NHS should lose 0.5 per cent of its next cash settlement from government to councils to pay for preventative services for the elderly, the Local Government Association has said.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Money management


    Reform and reorganisation in health services is not new. But arguably the most recent changes have had the most fundamental impact on the working lives of staff and there is increasing concern about the personal financial implications of these developments

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A look at long-term care


    The national framework for NHS continuing healthcare comes into force on 1 October. Eve Francis gives a legal perspective on the implications of the framework for PCTs and NHS trusts and the pros and cons of the new regime