All Finance articles – Page 471

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    PFI hospitals plan to lose management posts


    Two hospitals with private finance initiative projects are preparing to cut hundreds of jobs.

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    One year on, the message from Nicholson is that he's listening


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson is in no doubt of the strength of staff's opposition to more change, or to their distaste for the idea of organisations competing against each other. Rebecca Evans quizzed him on what those staff can expect next

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    Wanless warns of spending 'hell'


    The NHS faces a 'hell of a job' after failing to deliver major advances in productivity and public health, Sir Derek Wanless has told HSJ.

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    Potential return to huge debt in three years' time


    The man who laid the ground for the massive spending boost to the NHS has warned that the service could be up to £15.2bn short again in three years.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Go on Darling, open up those vaults of secrecy


    Alistair Darling's comprehensive spending review will bring real-terms cuts to many public services but it could also highlight the lack of transparency on how priorities are reached, says Colin Talbot

  • News

    'Albatross' private finance charges slated in research


    Trusts with large private finance initiative projects are facing continued pressure to cut services and jobs to meet payments, two leading researchers have claimed.

  • Comment

    Stephen Hocking on the drugs debate


    'Unfortunately, economics dictates that with finite financial resources, not every drug can be purchased and paid for by a publicly funded health service'

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    Anna Donald on


    The summer witnessed another episode in the ongoing ‘rationing’ saga about NHS provision of the Alzheimer drugs rivastigmine, donepezil, and galantamine. The High Court upheld the substance of NICE’s guidance, which means that these drugs continue to be recommended only for people with ‘moderate’ Alzheimer’s. In my line of business, ...

  • News

    Even greater investment could be needed, warns Wanless


    The NHS will need even higher levels of funding over the next 20 years unless worrying trends in productivity and obesity are tackled, according to the Wanless report for the King's Fund.

  • News

    wanless comments


    Stephen Thornton, chief executive, Health Foundation:The recommendations are all very good and all very worthy but are about what government should do to the health service.They are not asking how you bring about the culture change needed to get clinicians thinking about how they can improve the quality and safety ...

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    £10m boost for occupational health


    Health minister Ivan Lewis has announced £10m of capital funding to finance new NHS Plus demonstration sites to improve the occupational healthcare services offered to small and medium sized businesses.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: immigrants in the news


    'Immigrants with cancer 'could swamp the NHS',' read The Daily Mail's headline. It quoted Lancet Oncology editor David Collingridge, who said so many East European migrants have arrived in Britain in recent years that the NHS may struggle to cope with the subsequent rise in cancer patients.

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    Mixed results for public health


    The Department of Health's performance chief has fired a warning shot over public health targets following 'mixed' quarterly results in sexual health and stop-smoking services.

  • News

    Tories' public services group calls for beefed up CMO role


    The Conservatives' public services policy group has made fresh calls to strengthen the role of the chief medical officer.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental Health Barometer August 2007


    Mental health chief executives are feeling less confident this month. Almost all scores are down.

  • Comment

    Phil Kenmore on Agenda for Change


    With a lack of focus on underlying behaviours, Agenda for Change cannot deliver long-term results, says Phil Kenmore

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    Doctors' leaders question NHS surplus


    The British Medical Association has questioned how the NHS in England has achieved a £983m surplus for the end of the financial year.

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    Inequalities masked at local level


    Progress made towards the national target to reduce health inequalities is masking the areas that are facing the worst problems, public health experts have warned.

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    Misleading forecasts could spell disaster


    'Chief executives and others must encourage openness and transparency in financial reporting'

  • News

    Suffolk delays terminating PMS contracts


    Suffolk primary care trust has said it will delay terminating the personal medical services contracts it holds with 46 practices in the area.