All Finance articles – Page 476

  • News

    Controversial and divisive: Whitehall's own Big Brother


    Some say the Department of Health's commercial directorate employs questionable methods, while others eulogise over its success in getting best value for patients. As a new chief executive takes over, Daloni Carlisle examines the controversies to date

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    Trust battles with council over 'disastrous' A&E closure plans


    West Sussex primary care trust is heading for a battle with the county council over plans to close two accident and emergency departments.

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    £35m ISTC deal scrapped


    The Department of Health has pulled the plug on one of the biggest wave-two independent sector treatment centre schemes. And there are rumours that more cancellations are on the way, with the entire surgical component at risk.

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    BMA sets out contract deadline


    The British Medical Association has called for the government to set a deadline for approving the new contract for staff and associate specialist doctors.

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    DoH rolls out continuing care framework


    Funding decisions related to continuing care will soon be fairer, faster and easier to understand, according to the Department of Health.

  • News

    Generic drugs row settled


    The Department of Health has announced a joint settlement with Goldshield (Goldshield Group Plc, Goldshield Pharmaceuticals Ltd and Forley Generics Limited) over claims brought against the company for allegedly attempting to price fix in an anti-competitive cartel when supplying generic drugs to the NHS.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The direct payments solution set


    The Care Service Improvements Partnership now features.a direct payments solution on its Knowledge Community website, giving information on all aspects of direct payments and how to access them, including easy-to-read versions for people with learning disabilities.

  • Comment

    Chris Ham on integrating to compete in the NHS


    'Instead of separating the roles of buyers and sellers in the NHS, the government needs to encourage closer integration between hospitals and GPs'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Climate change: NHS heeds the global warning


    Caring for the environment and caring in health often go hand in hand, as many trusts have shown, writes Alison Moore

  • News

    NHS report highlights £510m surplus


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson has published the NHS annual report which highlights delivery of a surplus of £510m and reduced waiting times set against rising levels of demand.

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    Investment needed to tackle drug resistance


    Deaths from previously treatable infections such as tuberculosis, meningitis and pneumonia will become more common unless there is investment in the science needed to tackle antibiotic resistance, the Royal Society has warned in a report published today.

  • News

    Scottish health secretary rejects healthcare competition


    Scottish health secretary Nicola Sturgeon today told the NHS Confederation annual conference that the Scottish government rejects the idea that competition in the healthcare market was the 'route to improvement'.

  • News

    Exclusive survey: winning over NHS staff could be Brown's first big challenge


    He may have thrown money at the NHS, but Gordon Brown looks set for a rough ride from staff, judging by the results of HSJ's survey, writes editor Richard Vize

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    ITC plans scrapped: NHS services are 'better value'


    Plans for an independent sector treatment centre at Hemel Hempstead Hospital have been dropped because it would have been too expensive.

  • News

    Supply agreement promises greater efficiency


    The first national framework agreement for the supply of operating leases has been published by the NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency.

  • News

    Service cuts urged at non-PFI hospitals


    Primary care trusts wanting to reconfigure services were given a stark message in an economic analysis prepared for the NHS in London: financially, it will make sense to cut beds and services at non-private finance initiative hospitals.

  • Comment

    Independent treatment centre move redefines choice


    'The DoH appears to be considering pushing PCTs to use independent sector treatment centres.- even to the extent of trying to steer patient choice'

  • News

    Public services face 'very tough' future, warns CIPFA boss


    Confidence in public services could well decline following the government's autumn spending round, new president of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy John Butler has warned.

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    Will next month's ban fire up PCT stop-smoking services?


    With the smoking ban just days away, the government points to huge funding boosts for smoking cessation, but is the money hitting home? Daloni Carlisle reports

  • News

    John Murray on a joined-up service


    'Devolution in the NHS means local priorities increasingly drive allocation of resources. While this development has many benefits, it can unfairly disadvantage patients with specialised conditions, who will inevitability be smaller in number and therefore have less of a voice locally'.