All Finance articles – Page 481

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    'Dishonest and disingenuous'


    Inept, poor and dishonest: that was the verdict from trust chief executives asked for their views on ministers' handling of NHS finance.

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    Chiefs reveal frustrations over doctors' contracts in HSJ survey


    Most chief executives would cap GPs' pay, abolish clinical excellence awards for consultants and write off historic debts if they had the power.

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    Cash-strapped SHA scraps emergency care network


    NHS East of England has scrapped a regional emergency care network, leading to the loss of seven posts and sparking criticism from emergency care specialists.

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    Executives 'battered' by constant change


    Chief executives feel bruised by constant reorganisation, and 93 per cent described their job as stressful. Twenty-nine per cent deemed it very stressful and 8 per cent rated it extremely stressful.

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    Hewitt approves £1.5bn PFI deals


    Private finance initiative hospitals worth around £1.5bn have been given the go-ahead by health secretary Patricia Hewitt.The news came as the Department of Health published national and regional maps of hospitals and primary care facilities that have been opened since 1997.See the maps here

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    DoH responds to call charge complaints


    The Department of Health has responded to a report by the Patient Power Review Group into hospitals' systems for bedside televisions and telephones.The report followed a number of complaints about the cost of incoming call charges. The Department of Health set up the review group to explore all aspects of ...

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    Government announces £54.3m drug and alcohol funding


    The government has allocated £54.3m in capital funding to improve inpatient and residential drug and alcohol facilities.The successful bids for funding include provision for women-only facilities, people with disabilities and those from black and minority ethnic communities.Read the press release here

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    Conservatives hit out over London deficit


    Conservatives in the London Assembly have said the extent of the continuing crisis in the NHS has been revealed by the latest financial figures.They point to new figures from the Department of Health, which show that the NHS in London is still heading for an overall end-of-year deficit of £125m.Find ...

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    King's Fund: cash review will not stop NHS progress


    The NHS will be able to cope despite the slash in funding growth expected to be announced in the next comprehensive spending review, according to a King's Fund report.

  • Comment

    Breaking even must not mean trusts losing focus on money


    The NHS should manage to hit its forecast position of a small surplus at the end of this year, according to this week's Department of Health figures. Not that it will be thanked or even believed. Within a few hours of the report being released on Tuesday, the protests began ...

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    Critics claim money is the force behind demand management


    The Department of Health would have us believe that demand management is a straightforward and egalitarian system of getting the best for patients. But is 'care and resource utilisation' really just about balancing the books? Daloni Carlisle reports

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    NHS set for £13m net surplus despite rising levels of debt


    The NHS is predicted to make a £13m surplus this financial year, according to the latest Department of Health forecasts.

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    New Deal for Carers launched


    The government is to unveil its New Deal for Carers, which will see £33m used for measures to help people who care for elderly or disabled relatives.Most of the money, £25m, will go to local authorities to fund emergency respite care for people who need a break from the demands ...

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    Value to patients should determine drug price


    NHS drugs spend should be linked to patient value and value for money, according to a report by the Office of Fair Trading.The report recommends that the current scheme where companies can set their own prices should be replaced by one in which prices are set according to therapeutic benefit ...

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    No single cause for NHS deficits, says government


    Causes for NHS deficits are numerous, have arisen over a number of years and cannot be attributed to one isolated factor, according to the government.The claims came in a response to an earlier Commons health select committee report on deficits in the NHS.Read the report here

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    DoH predicts break-even by next financial year


    Figures for the third quarter of the financial year show that the NHS is in line to break even and will be well placed for the start of the next financial year, according to Department of Health figures.Strategic health authorities are due to make £450m of savings from central budgets.Read ...

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    DoH Publishes prescription charges consultation


    The Department of Health has published a consultation document on changes to the NHS (Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2005 to enable primary care trusts in England to charge chemists for NHS pharmaceutical applications.If chemists are not on a PCT list they cannot dispense NHS prescriptions or provide NHS pharmaceutical services. The ...

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    Trusts poach sexual health funding


    Funds which should have gone to sexual health have been diverted elsewhere in almost two-thirds of primary care trusts, according to a survey by the Terrence Higgins Trust.

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    Anger at India outsourcing plans


    The NHS is to drastically increase the proportion of outsourced financial work carried out in India.

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    After Eden, things look rosy in the social enterprise garden


    With the possible exception of the Houses of Parliament, there are few places you could expect to encounter four government ministers and a member of the shadow cabinet in the space of less than six hours.