All Finance articles – Page 483

  • News

    MPs slam £900m construction project failure


    The Commons public accounts committee has slammed the failed development of the £900m Paddington Health Campus.A report on the collapsed scheme said NHS staff were out of their depth and bad decisions were made worse by appalling planning and cost forecasting.Read the report here

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: foundations' investment and borrowing


    Payment by results, patient choice, the cost of private finance initiatives and the expanding role of the private sector - foundation trusts are not short of challenges.

  • News

    BMA slams student resource cuts


    The British Medical Association has criticised a decision by the Department of Health to remove funding which enables medical students to have a free copy of the British National Formulary.In a letter to the Department of Health, BMA medical students' committee chair Emily Rigby ...

  • News

    Another boost for drug treatment funding


    Funding for drug treatment services is set to increase as the government looks to build on the progress made in getting people into treatment over the last few years.Public health minister Caroline Flint announced the pooled drug treatment budget is to increase from £375m to £388m for 2007-08.Find out more ...

  • News

    NHS to recover up to £150m costs


    New rules allowing the NHS to claim back money for treating people who have been paid personal injury compensation could see more than £150m being put back into patient care, health minister Andy Burnham announced today.The NHS injury costs recovery scheme means trusts will be able to recover costs from ...

  • Comment

    NHS independence: removing politicians will leave a hole that must be filled


    Would an 'independent' NHS create a worse provider monopoly than British Leyland or set it lose from the targetitis of Whitehall? Who would hold the reins of scrutiny - regulators, Parliament or local councils? Where are the models - the BBC, Scandinavia, Oregon or New Zealand? Is independence even a ...

  • News

    PCTs fight UCLH over data validity


    Three primary care trusts are disputing the validity of a massive increase in activity at a flagship London hospital.

  • News

    £1m recovered from Welsh fraud


    The NHS Counter Fraud Service annual report for Wales reveals that specialists recovered £1,079,659 via civil action in 2005-06.This along and other reductions were made possible through point of service checks introduced in 2001, in which patients must tick a box on a form to say they are entitled to ...

  • News

    DoH publishes travel expenses consultation


    The Department of Health has published consultation on the hospital travel costs scheme, which allows those on low incomes to claim travel expenses.The document looks at how the scheme can be changed to reflect a shift in care closer to home.Read the consultation here

  • News

    Hewitt: government should have capped GP profits


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has said the government would have considered capping GPs' earning potential under their contract if it had predicted the extent of their increased profits.Information Centre for health and social care figures show that the percentage of GPs' revenue taken as profit after expenses rose from 40 ...

  • News

    Pension guidance released


    The Department of Health has produced a guide for staff leaving NHS employment but wishing to continue their membership of the NHS pension scheme.The guidance also sets out advice about employer responsibilities for pension provision where staff have to leave the scheme.Read the guide here

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    Report calls for 50pc funding boost


    Spending on mental health services needs to rise by an extra 50 per cent if the government's targets in the national service framework are to be achieved, according to a leading charity.

  • News

    New bursary scheme announced


    The Department for Health has announced changes to the September 2007 NHS bursary scheme.Rent will become a deductible expense for all student nurses, midwives, allied health professionals and medical and dental students, when calculating their childcare allowances.The changes have been agreed with unions, and they include an increase in the ...

  • News

    Mental health spending must rise, warns Sainsbury Centre


    Spending on mental health services should increase by 50 per cent and 38 per cent more staff are needed if the government is to meet 2000's 10-year national service framework plan, according to a report from the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health.The report, Delivering ...

  • News

    GP contract talks collapse over pay


    Talks about next year's GP contract have broken down. The British Medical Association said on Tuesday that the offer made by NHS Employers was 'not sufficient' and called on the doctors and dentists review body to recommend an across-the-board uplift for GPs under next year's contract.

  • News

    Proper workforce planning needed, says BMA chair


    British Medical Association chair James Johnson has called on the government to reinstate proper workforce planning - or risk wasting millions of pounds of public money.Speaking at the BMA's 'State of the NHS' briefing, Mr Johnson said: 'In 2008 the year-on-year significant rise in additional NHS resources will fall back ...

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    'Market rates for nurses' plan


    Nurses' pay could be dictated by local market rates under proposals being discussed by the board of the Department of Health.

  • News

    NHS faces big risk from back-pay claims


    NHS staff claims for back pay under the Agenda for Change contract are the 'biggest risk' to the Department of Health's pay and workforce strategy, HSJhas learned.

  • News

    Warning over union action on pay


    Department of Health senior officials warned of 'a real danger of industrial unrest' if the government set next year's NHS pay award at 2 per cent - just a month before the DoH proposed an even lower figure.

  • News

    DoH plans mark rewriting of relationship with professions


    If one image of the dole queue helped finish off Labour in 1979, just imagine what might happen if the jobless wore white coats. The prospect of making large numbers of consultant posts redundant is one rarely articulated in public. That changes this week with HSJrevealing ...