All Finance articles – Page 484

  • HSJ Knowledge

    No cash, lots of commitment


    Deprivation in leafy Staffordshire provided an interesting challenge for Dr Zafar Iqbal

  • News

    News Analysis: Next era of reform will hinge on Brown being as bold as Blair


    With Gordon Brown almost certain to take over as prime minister this year, and his reputation for springing surprises, people in the health service are beginning to wonder what it will mean for them and the NHS reform landscape. Daniel Martin looks for clues

  • News

    2007 a make or break year for NHS, says think tank


    A failure to tackle rising costs and to invest in modern services means that 2007 is a make or break year for the NHS, according to a report by think tank Reform. The report says the service's long-term strength has been sapped by the lack of an underpinning costed reform ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    At your service


    The government and PCTs are contemplating the benefits of community foundation trusts, but are they really the future for provider services, asks Kaye McIntosh

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    Scottish surplus


    The NHS in Scotland ended the last financial year in surplus, according to figures published today. At the end of 2005-06, the health service had underspent its £9bn budget by £70.6m, Audit Scotland has reported. The previous year resulted in a deficit of £32m.

  • News

    UK tops state spend poll


    More healthcare is funded by the state in the UK than in many other Western countries, a study claims. An analysis of 12 comparable nations found that the NHS's share of UK spending increased from 80 per cent in 1998 to 86 per cent in 2005, due to extra government ...

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    Speak out


    The IPPR's Joe Farrington-Douglas says private companies may be able to give valuable support to commissioners - but decisions about who gets what healthcare must remain public and accountable

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    Noel Pumridge on workforce planning


    Or, in simple terms, why should the NHS pay a nurse in Workington almost as much as a nurse in Wimbledon? She'll only fritter it away anyway.

  • News

    SHAs to review need for PCT top-slicing


    NHS North West is the first strategic health authority to confirm that it will not top-slice money from primary care trusts this financial year.

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    Some trusts will stay in red, MPs warn


    Some NHS trusts will never get back into financial balance, one of the government's turnaround advisers has admitted.

  • News

    Monitor settles payment by results row


    A public dispute between the foundation trust and primary care trust in Bournemouth over payments under payment by results has been settled.

  • Comment

    Michael White on politics


    'I do not think the Walsall trio, all nice chaps, will mind if I describe them as the Old Codgers, rather than the Three Musketeers'

  • News

    Michael White on politics


    'Does the first glimpse of the new, kinder Tory health policy amount to much? Blair didn't think so'

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    Michael White on politics


    'The charges problem boils down to a classic dilemma of democratic politics in a market-orientated society'

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    Michael White on politics


    'The McElephant in the corner, of course, is devolved Scotland, where personal care is free'

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    Michael white on politics


    'Don?t think, Mr or Ms Finance Director, that you can force Ms Hewitt out by hiring some extra doctors or buying a fleet of scanners'

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    Michael White on politics


    We've said it here before, and it won't go away. When trust fades, the effect is like dry rot. It creeps into corners of the infrastructure, including the politics of resource allocation with the NHS, and becomes very hard to drive out. It ceases to be a matter for Tony ...

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    Michael White on politics


    Tony Blair made an interesting speech in Nottingham the other day, entitled 'Healthy Living: whose responsibility?'. It didn't get a lot of attention in the newspapers that I read, though Number 10 tells me that such discussions generate huge local attention as they affect real people's real lives.

  • News

    Media watch


    'Researchers have found that the 29 primary care trusts in surplus in 2004-05 were mainly in inner-city areas'

  • Comment

    Media watch


    'We are supposed to be a nation of dog lovers, but was this a step too far?'