All Finance articles – Page 488

  • News

    Operating framework: prepare for worst case, trusts told


    Next year's operating framework places a new accent on planning for worst-case scenarios and allowing 'headroom' for change.

  • News

    Inside track: primary care


    Lack of jobs, money and clarity on reform are the main ingredients of primary care trust managers' daily grind at the moment. It hardly makes an attractive package. One PCT senior manager told Inside Track that they are moving sector after a career in primary care, because they are 'buggered ...

  • Comment

    Unjust social care funding


    'One in four people over the age of 85 in Oxfordshire are in receipt of a high cost package of care'

  • News

    Variance in primary care HRG spending


    This data briefing from Dr Foster Intelligence shows how primary care spending on healthcare resource groups varies across strategic health authorities. The research covers year-on-year changes in the first quarter of 2006. It is based on the number of spells coded with HRGs and covered by payment by results.

  • News

    Watchdog has PbR's care impact in its sights


    The Healthcare Commission has said it is interested in assessing the impact of payment by results on patient care.

  • News

    Variance in primary care HRG spending


    This data briefing from Dr Foster Intelligence shows how primary care spending on healthcare resource groups varies across strategic health authorities. The research covers year-on-year changes in the first quarter of 2006. It is based on the number of spells coded with HRGs and covered by payment by results.

  • News

    Care UK chief urges swift ISTC take-up


    Chief executive Mike Parish sounds a cautionary note that government must move quickly to ensure a local ownership care system takes route

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    Sophia Christie on primary care


    'The challenge of the last three years has been demand management. The focus for the next two years must be a considered challenge to activity attribution.'

  • Comment

    Media Watch: earnings cap


    So ministers have 'blundered' again, according to London's Evening Standard. This time it is because they have failed to cap doctors' earnings.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: earnings cap


    So ministers have 'blundered' again, according to London's Evening Standard. This time it is because they have failed to cap doctors' earnings.

  • News

    MPs join nurses' campaign for a fair pay deal


    Pressure is mounting on the government to rethink its decision to stage this year's pay award for nurses, as hundreds of MPs join nurses in calling for the 2.5 per cent increase to be paid in full.

  • News

    Call for funds for elderly


    A huge shift in public spending away from the NHS and into social services run by local authorities is needed to ensure a better quality of life for older people, according to care services minister Ivan Lewis.

  • News

    MPs call for PFI training


    Staff who renegotiate the refinancing of private finance initiatives often 'lack commercial awareness' and must receive training, a Commons committee has found.

  • Comment

    Michael White on the budget


    'Brown did not say what health will get in 2008-11, though he is said to be focusing on health in his Treasury lair'

  • Comment

    Data briefing: deficit forecasts, financial reality


    The recent quarterly financial report from the Department of Health provides some encouraging signs as the NHS gets to grips with previous years' overspends. But the detail looks patchy.

  • News

    Data briefing: prescribing variations by PCT


    In 2004-05, prescribing cost nearly £8bn in England - over 681 million items at an average of nearly 13 per GP list patient and £150 per year.

  • Comment

    Data briefing: Scottish tariffs


    Following publication last year of Professor David Kerr?s Building a Health Service Fit for the Future, a Wanless-style review of Scottish health services, the NHS in Scotland is now implementing Delivering for Health reforms, which includes a new system of paying hospitals.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Data Briefing: Did the extra money go on new staff?


    A new analysis of the reason for and distribution of NHS deficits published by the Department of Health, Explaining NHS Deficits, contains an interesting analysis of what the extra funding from 2000-04 was spent on. The answer, apparently, is that nearly 80 per cent was consumed by the costs of ...

  • News

    Chronic disease management: Welsh framework will cut through boundaries


    With evidence mounting that chronic illness represents the principal burden on health and social care services, effective management of long-term conditions is a priority. Helen Howson and colleagues explain

  • News

    BMA concern over research funds


    The British Medical Association has expressed concerns about a possible shortfall in funding for research, after chancellor Gordon Brown formally announced the creation of a new body to oversee the merged research budgets of the NHS and the Medical Research Council.