All Finance articles – Page 493

  • News

    RAB is on its last legs, but trusts must look to a future in surplus


    Resource accounting and budgeting has no friends left and its days are numbered; we just do not know what that number is yet.

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    NHS Scotland in surplus


    Audit Scotland has its annual review of the NHS in Scotland. The report focuses on financial performance and says the Scottish health service managed to finish 2005-06 with a £70.6m surplus on its £9bn budget.This was an improvement on a deficit of £32m 12 months earlier. However, the audit body ...

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    Damning Commons report on NHS deficits


    MPs have accused the Department of Health of prioritising cuts in training for NHS staff because they are the easiest to make.In a damning report on NHS deficits, the Commons health select committee said that cuts in the education of health workers was having adverse effects on staff morale and ...

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    Nicholson says £250m surplus should be delivered by 2008


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson has said the NHS should achieve a net surplus of £250m by the end of 2007-08. Other priorities, set out in an operating framework for 2007-08, include 85 per cent of patients admitted for hospital treatment and 80 per cent ...

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    Public sector managers 'must have more flexibility in determining pay'


    A major change to the pay and reward system within the NHS and the rest of the public sector is needed to achieve serious improvements in delivery, the Confederation for British Industry has said.In a new report, the CBI has concluded that greater incentives must be created for public sector ...

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    Legal briefing: EU procurement


    Interpretation of EU regulations about advertising when commissioning healthcare is changing

  • Comment

    Nicolaus Henke on Michael Porter's partial answer


    The Harvard Business School guru's book Redefining Healthcareis a fascinating but flawed study of reform from which the NHS could learn, says McKinsey's head of global health systems

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    Nicholson pledges to devolve 90pc of resources to local NHS


    NHS chief executive unequivocal about huge transfer of budgets from DoH

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    Monitor will demand service level figures from foundation trusts


    Monitor is set to instruct foundation trusts to provide more accurate information about the financial performance of each of their services.

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    Flint hints at ringfenced public health funds


    Public health minister Caroline Flint has hinted that the government may consider 'ringfencing' funds for specific public health initiatives.

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    Comment: Why a US management guru has vital questions for the NHS


    'Michael Porter's book has caught the imagination of many of the most influential voices in NHS reform and has been occupying minds at the highest level throughout this year.'

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    Audit Commission says PCTs should fine acutes for errors


    The job of clinical coding should be given a higher priority within NHS trusts in order to make payment by results work, according to the Audit Commission.

  • Comment

    Bed day costs


    The Department of Health productivity indicators (click herefor story) detail how much each trust can save by reducing bed stay.

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    Independent centre deals abandoned


    The Department of Health is set to abandon a large swathe of its independent treatment centre programme more than a year after it invited providers to bid for the lucrative deals, HSJhas learned.

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    Hewitt: the buck stops with me on financial balance


    The health secretary will take personal responsibility for ensuring that the NHS is in financial balance by the end of March next year, she told the Commons health select committee last week.

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    Efficiency, not cost, could be future of PbR


    Payment by results tariffs could be altered to reflect the most efficient ways of working, rather than the average cost of a particular treatment, under changes being discussed by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement and the Department of Health.

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    Dossier reveals true extent of management consultant spend


    The imposition of turnaround teams on cash-strapped trusts has cost the NHS more than £22m, new figures reveal.

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    Computer fraudbusters go online


    The NHS Counter Fraud and Security Management Service has launched a website to promote the work of its forensic computing unit.The unit trawls computer systems for digital evidence of fraud, computer misuse and security breaches. It has been involved in 138 NHS fraud cases to date, with a potential value ...

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    Council slams proposed cuts to local health services


    Surrey county council's health scrutiny committee has decided that proposals to cut £10m from the budget of Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals trust will substantially affect services. A public consultation exercise will now have to be held to look at the plans in more detail.

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    Mental health budgets being cut, charity says


    Mental health charity Rethink has warned that £37m of further cuts are taking place in mental health services across the UK.The charity is calling for mental health to be included in the so-called 'Selbie Six' of top national priorities for the NHS and a national recovery plan for the current ...