All Finance articles – Page 494

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    Trusts need more time to balance books, says RCN


    Trusts need more time to regain financial stability rather than having to cut services and posts in order to balance their books, the Royal College of Nursing has said.The union said long-term recovery plans were needed and trusts should be given three years to create a sustainable buffer fund and ...

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    Funding formula


    I am delighted that you reported calls to scrap the NHS funding formula on the evidence given to the health select committee by Professors Asthana, Stone and McCormick.

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    A formula for unfairness


    With a significant proportion of NHS trusts in financial difficulty and many of those reporting ward closures and job losses, the financial health of the NHS emerged as one of the key political issues of 2006.

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    The new economics


    Treating individual services as profit-and-loss units promises to transform financial management and clinical engagement. With plans imminent for foundation trusts, Monitor chair Bill Moyes puts the case for a fresh approach

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    Medics warned off community work by cash-strapped trust


    A financially troubled hospital trust is warning consultants not to carry out NHS work in the community unless there are guarantees that payments stay with the trust.

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    Service-line economics goes to the heart of patient care


    As we reveal this week, foundation regulator Monitor will be consulting trusts on compliance guidance to push the adoption of service-line economics (feature, page 22).

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    And so to bed The problem with mental health inpatients


    Mental healthcare faces a problem of bed shortages for inpatient care, but while a large part of the solution might be stronger community support rather than increasing the number of available beds, there is still a need in some places to boost their number. Mat Kinton and Suki Desai explain

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    Trusts warned not to axe acute beds prematurely


    Mental health trusts have been warned not to cut acute beds until their community services are fully developed.

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    Turnaround help for a third of acutes as deficits reach £1.2bn gross


    More than one-third of all acute trusts and a quarter of all primary care trusts are receiving turnaround support as it was revealed that deficits in the NHS are climbing again.

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    Growing debts in Wales


    A report from the Welsh Assembly's audit committee has warned that the NHS deficit in Wales is continuing to grow. The report says the service overspent by more than £30m last year, while carrying 'historic debt' of more than £80m.The committee has also highlighted 'significant variations' in the way that ...

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    PCTs pull plug on £550m hospital for Hertfordshire


    Plans for new hospitals in Hertfordshire were in tatters this week after a £550m scheme to build a hospital and cancer centre in Hatfield were axed.

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    NHS financial crisis squeezing medical education, BMA warns


    Patient care could be affected by cuts to medical training and education, according to the British Medical Association. Funding for study leave and academic posts in medical schools has been cut to help tackle deficits. The BMA junior doctors committee has written to health secretary ...

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    Emma Dent on publishing pictures of NHS demonstrations


    A regular point of discussion at HSJTowers is whether we should publish pictures of demonstrations against NHS cuts and closures.

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    NHS deficits to rise to almost £1.2bn


    The NHS is forecasting gross deficits for the year of £1,179m compared with £883m at quarter one and £1,312m at the end of 2005-06. Some 175 organisations are now forecasting debts compared with 120 at quarter

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    Hewitt defends NHS reform


    Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt told the New Health Network yesterday that balancing high-quality care with tight budgets was the NHS's greatest challenge.She said the increasing cost of new medical technologies and drugs and the rising expectations of patients would have to be met. Ms Hewitt acknowledged that reform is 'never ...

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    Demand management ineffective and costs rise under PBR


    There is a lack of evidence around which demand management schemes make payment by results more effective.Research by the York University's Centre for Health and Public Services Management and Centre for Health Economics also found the system has increased the scope for disagreement between trusts and primary care trusts over ...

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    Nicholson to give evidence to spending enquiry


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson, acting permanent secretary Hugh Taylor and finance director Richard Douglas are to give evidence to the Commons health committee on 23 November as part of its inquiry into NHS expenditure. Health secretary Patricia Hewitt will face the committee on 29 November.

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    Granger tops NHS earners list


    The average salary of the 12 highest earners in the NHS is £183,000, according to an analysis of senior executives' pay in the public sector for 2004-05.The figures from the Taxpayers' Alliance show the top two NHS earners are Connecting for Health chief executive Richard Granger, with a £285,000 salary, ...

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    Minister puts onus on trusts to negotiate unbundled tariff


    Primary care and acute trusts need to negotiate their own ways to unbundle the payment by results tariff, health minister Lord Warner said as he launched the 'road test' of next year's tariff.

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    Burden of unbundling the tariff falls on quality of local data


    This week's 'road testing' of the payment by results tariff for 2007-08 will, the Department of Health hopes, result in considerably less noise than the late and broken one released in January. The DoH says it is not looking for any comment or complaint about what the tariff should or ...