All Foundation Trust Network (NHS Providers) articles – Page 20

  • Alexandra Hammond

    Acute lack of investment is starving healthcare estates


    Buildings and infrastructure in the healthcare sector are suffering a serious shortage of cash and need new financing models to break the deadlock.

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Flickers in a pitch black tunnel


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Jeremy Hunt

    NHS leaders 'misjudged' call for more funding, says Hunt


    NHS Providers chief said yesterday trusts “simply cannot deliver all that they are being asked to deliver on the funding available” Jeremy Hunt says calls for more money were a “misjudgement”, coming “less than a year” after a “good settlement” Health secretary suggests the calls could erode confidence in ...

  • HM_Treasury

    'Treasury door open on capital', says Jim Mackey


    Jim Mackey believes there could be a “door open” for capital funding from the government, but said leaders need to build a “stronger case” NHS Improvement chief says the capital requirements set out in STPs are ”unaffordable and undeliverable” Scope to devolve some responsibilities from national bodies to STPs ...

  • Chris Hopson

    Hopson: Keeping trusts' deficit under £1bn would be 'extraordinary'


    Chris Hopson says NHS had been “insufficiently celebratory” about stopping deficit from “running out of control” Provider deficit reduction shows trusts can deliver when given “sensible plans”, he says Refuses to rule out providers hitting £580m deficit target but says there is “risk” Keeping the provider sector deficit ...

  • Saffron_Cordery

    Do the right thing on social care, Mr Hammond


    Saffron Cordery on why the chancellor must pledge serious investment in social and primary care in his Autumn Statement

  • surgery

    Analysis: Half of hospital trusts miss reduced waiting targets


    Trusts missing largely lower “reset” targets for elective treatment times Performance means organisations could miss out on sustainability and transformation funding Total waiting list approaches 4 million More than half of England’s hospital trusts have missed their elective waiting time targets set by NHS Improvement.

  • Hospital beds

    Delayed transfers of care continue to worsen


    Delayed transfers of care reach highest level with 196,246 delayed days in September NHS England figures show demand up and performance in most areas down NHS Providers warn demands “only likely to increase as we move into winter” Delayed transfers of care have continued to worsen and have ...

  • Michael_Macdonnell

    Revealed: NHS England checklist for making STP details public


    STPs told to publish summaries of their plans NHS England says summaries must “articulate tangible benefits for patients” in “clear” language National and regional communications leads to assist with process NHS leaders have been told to publish summaries of their sustainability and transformation plans, but not before they ...

  • Chris Hopson

    STPs are making plans 'they do not believe can be delivered'


    STPs are drawing up “vastly over-ambitious plans”, says Chris Hopson He says plans will not command political support Extra revenue in the autumn statement is ’extremely unlikely’, but ‘door slightly open’ on capital funding Health economy leaders are being forced to draw up sustainability plans which they do ...

  • Tool kit

    Huge spike in 'high risk' maintenance problems at trusts


    NHS providers face costs of £775m to deal with high risk maintenance issues, compared to £458m in 2014-15 Providers’ investment in estates maintenance has reduced every year since 2013 as capital budgets have been increasingly squeezed Increasing backlog raises risk of fires and power outages The backlog of ...

  • Daniel reynolds new one

    Moving beyond consultation to genuine public engagement is key to STPs


    Old school methods of consultation won’t cut it if the changes brought in by sustainability and transformation plans are to succeed

  • News

    Provider bailouts shake-up after 'nasty surprise' warnings


    Experts have warned about the “different incentives” created by the £1.8bn bailout fund for NHS providers Many trusts have back-loaded their savings plans for 2016-17 From next year, bailout payments will be weighted towards latter months of the year Regulators are to introduce new measures aimed at removing ...

  • 586_Andrew_Lansley.jpg

    Lansley: NHS should get £5bn Brexit bonus by 2019


    Lansley calls for NHS windfall post Brexit during keynote address Former health sectary attacks ‘nakedly political’ BMA over ‘unethical’ strike action He robustly defends his reforms stating much of criticism is ‘demonstrably false’ NHS spending should be set at a minimum of 7 per cent of GDP The ...

  • david williams expert briefing crop
    Expert Briefing

    What's new in care models: Vanguard seeks Far East joint venture partner


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View

  • Chris Hopson

    Hopson: New care models 'a 15 year journey'


    Chief executive of NHS Providers said “there is little evidence” new care models will “release sufficient savings” He expects timeline of service reconfiguration to take five to 15 years Current operational pressure on NHS is “sucking up” management capacity to implement change New care models are “not going ...

  • Chaand Nagpaul

    Exclusive: GPs urged to report hospitals' contract breaches


    GPs advised to notify trusts and CCGs when providers fail to comly with six new requirements in NHS standard contract The British Medical Association GP committee is advising GPs on how to raise formal concerns with trusts and commissioning groups when hospitals fail to comply with new requirements ...

  • News

    Updated: NHS provider sector on track to meet financial plans, says regulator


    Provider deficit after Q1 broadly in line with plans NHS observers welcome the report, but warn that situation is likely to worsen throughout year Further actions needed to reduce year end forecast deficit of £644m The overall NHS provider sector has reported a deficit of £461m for the ...

  • Savings must be found without any additional transitional finance to help establish new services

    Exclusive: Trusts' finances on track but 'nasty surprise' predicted


    More than three-quarters of acute trusts are currently forecasting to meet their financial target Acute sector forecast to be only £75m worse than control totals at end of 2016-17 Warnings that financial incentives will lead to “nasty surprise” later in the year Most hospital trusts are currently forecasting ...

  • Targets

    Fines for trust performance failures increase


    Fines for the non-achievement of performance targets have effectively increased by 60 per cent under new rules announced on Thursday.