All FT LIST articles – Page 7
HSJ Local
Fax hitch hits Berkshire cancer performance
PERFORMANCE: A fax server failure has led to a backlog in cancer waits in Berkshire.
HSJ Local
Heatherwood and Wexham Park misses waiting time target in two specialties
PERFORMANCE: Heatherwood and Wexham Park Foundation Trust missed its waiting time target in the trauma and orthopaedics and ear nose and throat specialties, primary care trust board papers show.
HSJ Local
Heart of England A&E waits a 'significant concern'
PERFORMANCE: Accident and emergency waits at Heart of England Foundation Trust have been identified as a “significant concern” after failing to meet the four hour target during 2012-13.
HSJ Local
Birmingham cluster overperforms on UHB contract
FINANCE: The Birmingham and Solihull primary care trust cluster is overspending by £2.6m on its contract with University Hospitals Birmingham.
HSJ Local
Southampton trust pioneers 'bedside clinics' for diabetes inpatients
RESEARCH: Clinicians in Southampton are piloting a new way of treating diabetes patients during hospital stays.
HSJ Local
South Warwickshire extends visitor restrictions due to norovirus
PERFORMANCE: South Warwickshire Foundation Trust has extended visitor restrictions due to an ongoing norovirus outbreak.
HSJ Local
No disciplinary action over HEFT never event
PERFORMANCE: An incident of drugs being given inappropriately to a patient led to no disciplinary action or referrals to relevant professional bodies, despite being listed as a “never event”.
HSJ Local
Capacity problems hit Hampshire Hospitals diagnostics performance
PERFORMANCE: Capacity problems caused Hampshire Hospitals to miss its diagnostics waiting list target in June.
HSJ Local
Hampshire Hospitals activity levels exceed plan
PERFORMANCE: Activity levels at Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust are higher than last year, despite commissioners’ intentions to cut admissions.
HSJ Local
Hampshire Hospitals beats surplus target amid rising demand
FINANCE: Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust is beating its surplus plan due to higher than expected clinical income.
HSJ Local
South Warwickshire FT shuts wards due to norovirus
PERFORMANCE: South Warwickshire Foundation Trust has banned visits to four wards due to a suspected norovirus outbreak.
HSJ Local
Two never events at Hampshire Hospitals
PERFORMANCE: Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust recorded two “never events” in June, including one caused by clinicians getting an x-ray back to front.
HSJ Local
Analysed: The sustainability of acute services in Coventry and Warwickshire
The Coventry and Warwickshire health economy is seeking a sustainable future for local trusts and clinical specialties
HSJ Local
Rising DTOCs impact on patient safety at Royal Berkshire
PERFORMANCE: A rise in delayed transfers of care in West Berkshire has been linked to increasing numbers of patients with falls and pressure ulcers.
HSJ Local
RBH performance drops on Cerner implementation
PERFORMANCE: The implementation of the Cerner Millenium electronic patient record system has had a detrimental impacted on patient experience at the Royal Berkshire Hospital.
HSJ Local
Birmingham and Solihull MH chief retires
WORKFORCE: Sue Turner has announced she is to retire from Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust.
HSJ Local
Royal Berkshire Hospital subjected to 'stage two review' of annual plan
FINANCE: Monitor has undertaken a “stage two review” of Royal Berkshire Hospital Foundation Trust’s annual plan.
HSJ Local
DTOCs soar at South Warwickshire
PERFORMANCE: Delayed discharges are far above target at South Warwickshire Foundation Trust.
HSJ Local
Wexham Park Hospital expands AMU
STRUCTURE: Heatherwood and Wexham Park Foundation Trust is investing more than £2.5m in reconfiguring wards, in anticipation of a rise in emergency attendances.
HSJ Local
Rising demand enables South Warwickshire to beat surplus target
FINANCE: South Warwickshire Foundation Trust is beating its surplus target thanks to high activity levels.