All GATESHEAD PCT articles
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HSJ Local
Delays to two South of Tyne efficiency plans
FINANCE: South of Tyne and Wear PCT cluster has fallen behind on two quality, innovation, productivity and prevention schemes, according to an NHS North of England board paper.
HSJ Local
Large commissioning board LAT gets interim director
STRUCTURE: An interim director has been appointed to the Cumbria, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear local area team, pending a permanent appointment.
HSJ Local
Analysed: The reorganisation of commissioning in the North East
The NHS in the North East has healthy finances but an unhealthy population. This briefing looks at how its new structure could overcome these problems.
HSJ Local
North East NHS 111 go live delayed
STRUCTURE: The first go live date for NHS 111 has been delayed due to a lack of local GP engagement and outstanding contractual issues with the provider, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
Mark Adams named designate accountable officer for three North East CCGs
WORKFORCE: Mark Adams has been appointed as the designate accountable officer for for NHS Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group, NHS Newcastle North and East CCG and NHS Newcastle West CCG.
HSJ Local
Three North East CCGs sharing chief officer
WORKFORCE: NHS Newcastle West CCG, NHS Newcastle North and East CCG and NHS Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group are sharing a chief officer under an interim arrangement.
HSJ Local
Gateshead announces new public health director
WORKFORCE: Carole Wood has been appointed as the new director of public health for Gateshead and will take over when the current postholder, Alyson Learmonth, retires in May.
HSJ Knowledge
Collaboration can help meet the challenges facing urgent care
As the focus for urgent care moves towards prevention, self care, and better treatment of long-term conditions, Drs David Hambleton and Mark Lambert explain how their new collaborative and localised approach is starting to make an impact.
HSJ Local
New director of public health appointed for Gateshead
WORKFORCE: Carole Wood has been appointed as the new director of public health for Gateshead.
HSJ Local
North East appoints interim commissioning support lead
WORKFORCE: The primary care trusts in the North East have appointed an interim managing director for their emerging single commissioning support service.
HSJ Local
South Tyne and Gateshead PCTs name preferred accountable officers
WORKFORCE: South Tyneside and Gateshead clinical commissioning groups have named their preferred accountable officers.
HSJ Local
Winter could place pressure on Gateshead finance
FINANCE: Gateshead PCT is forecasting an end of year surplus of £303,000, but has identified a number of risks to this.
HSJ Local
PCTs begin 'formal performance managment' of Sunderland FT
FINANCE: Commissioners have “instigated a formal performance management process” because of City Hospitals Sunderland Foundation Trust’s elective and emergency overperformance.
HSJ Local
City Hospitals Sunderland CIP concern
FINANCE: City Hospitals Sunderland Foundation Trust is spending more than planned this year - but also seeing greater than expected income.
HSJ Local
South of Tyne awards contract for specialist services for young people
COMMERCIAL: NHS South of Tyne and Wear has awarded a contract for its specialist community child and adolescent mental health and learning disability service, following a consultation with children and families on how they would like to see services delivered.
HSJ Local
South Tyne PCTs agree to reinvest readmissions proceeds
FINANCE: The South of Tyne PCTs have agreed to reinvest money not paid to hospital trusts under the 30 day readmissions rule in initiatives “aimed at actions to reducing these readmissions, improving patient outcomes and experience and reducing additional pressure on the urgent care system”.
HSJ Local
PCTs step up transfer of responsibility to consortia
STRUCTURE: Primary care trusts in the North East are starting to delegate authority to commissioning consortia.
HSJ Local
Gateshead consortium becoming committee of PCT
STRUCTURE: Gateshead PCT is establishing its single commissioning consortium, called GatNet, as a committee of the board.
HSJ Local
Sunderland FT recruits nursing director from PCTs
WORKFORCE: City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust has appointed Joy Akehurst as director of nursing.
HSJ Knowledge
How a leaner integrated approach improved older person services at a reduced cost
Gateshead has taken a joint approach to improving services and reducing costs, with a particular focus on older people’s services and long term conditions. Sue Mundy and Eirian Lewis explain the leaner approach.