All George Osborne articles – Page 10

  • Alistair Darling

    Public sector pay freeze threat from all sides


    Both the government and the opposition have indicated that a large part of the savings needed to recover the UK’s public spending deficit will need to come from pay restraint.

  • Michael White

    Michael White on Labour policy


    I had scarcely arrived in Brighton for Labour’s last pre-election conference than a succession of party veterans had pinned me to the nearest wall to explain why the party is doomed - or why it is not.

  • Michael White

    Michael White on NHS spending and the McKinsey report


    As if last week wasn’t more than usually nightmare-ish enough for the NHS’s managerial officer class, with a convicted murderer’s birthmarks and the leaked McKinsey report providing only two of many horrid headlines, this week started with a fresh jolt.

  • News

    Tories pledge health service reform


    Reforming the NHS is the only way to maintain frontline health services amid the mounting debt crisis, according to shadow chancellor George Osborne.

  • Andrew Lansley at Confed 2009

    Lansley says pay should reflect need to 'recruit and retain'


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has made what appears to be an open ended pledge on the size of the next NHS pay settlement, in an interview with HSJ.