Will a South West community services court case be a pyrrhic victory?
After the dust settles on Michael Lloyd versus NHS Gloucestershire, will campaigners find they have actually won a pyrrhic victory in their bid to keep the county’s community services in the NHS?
HSJ Local
Specialist stroke services in Gloucestershire to be centralised
STRUCTURE: Specialist stroke services in Gloucestershire are to be centralised at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital from summer 2012.
HSJ Local
Gloucestershire performs poorly on stroke
PERFORMANCE: Just 52.4 per cent of stroke patients treated in the area covered by NHS Gloucestershire spend 90 per cent of their time on a dedicated stroke unit against a target of 80 per cent.
HSJ Local
Endoscopy waits under scrutiny at Gloucestershire acute trust
PERFORMANCE: Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust had 96 people waiting more than six weeks for endoscopy at the end of September.
HSJ Local
QIPP posing problem for NHS Gloucestershire
FINANCE: NHS Gloucestershire is predicting a £6.3m overspend with Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust at year-end - although the overspend could be as high as £9m if quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP) savings do not materialise.
HSJ Local
Gloucestershire fails four hour A&E standard
PERFORMANCE: Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust is failing the four hour accident and emergency target.
Patchy progress on reducing acute activty in the South West
Progress towards achieving the holy grail of acute activity reduction is patchy across the South West, with varying effects on trust finances.
HSJ Local
Referrals fall in Gloucestershire
PERFORMANCE: GP and consultant to consultant referrals have fallen by three and six per cent respectively at Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust.
HSJ Local
Gloucestershire Hospitals FT reports on risks to savings plans
FINANCE: Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust is reporting a high risk it will not achieve its £20m savings plan and has yet to fully identify almost a third of the target.
HSJ Local
NHS Gloucestershire oversees changes following death of a child
PERFORMANCE: NHS Gloucestershire Care Services has introduced changes to protocols for its health visitor, mental health and substance misuse services following the death of a 14-month child.
Foundation trusts borrowing over £1bn from DH
Foundation trusts have secured loans worth more than £1bn from the Department of Health, HSJ can reveal, prompting concern about the impact of increased debts on foundation trust independence.
HSJ Local
Gloucestershire Hospitals FT suffers extended norovirus outbreak
PERFORMANCE: Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust was still struggling with norovirus four months after a winter outbreak of the vomiting bug, board papers show.
HSJ Local
Gloucestershire Hospitals FT racks up £700,000 contract penalties
PERFORMANCE: Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust had incurred £700,720 in contract penalties at the end of December.
Nursing needs more leadership, investigation finds
Significant gaps in nursing leadership have been exposed in assessments carried out by trusts following the Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust scandal.
HSJ Local
NHS Gloucestershire predicts healthy surplus
FINANCE: NHS Gloucestershire is on course to achieve its planned year end surplus of £8.7m.
HSJ Local
New facilites for Gloucestershire Hospitals FT
STRUCTURE: Gloucestershire Hospitals FT has reorganised a number of services and secured funding for a £7.7m radiotherapy facility.
Monitor set local authority concerns aside
Monitor has declined to act on local authority concerns about major foundation trust service change on at least two occasions in the last year, it has emerged.
Trust 'named and shamed' over plans to cut beds
Health minister Mike O’Brien has carried out his threat to “name and shame” trusts that cut services and blame the economy - using a parliamentary debate to highlight the case of a trust planning 200 bed cuts.
HSJ Knowledge
The tension between religion and healthcare
When the religious beliefs of an NHS employee run contrary to trust policy, the result is often headline grabbing conflict. Louise Hunt looks at a modern day dilemma