All Government/DH policy articles – Page 148

  • Andrew Lansley has announced a “whole new approach” to public health in which, he says, the government will shape individuals’ behaviour and choice rather than control supply.

    Lansley announces public health 'vision'


    Andrew Lansley has announced a “whole new approach” to public health in which, he says, the government will shape individuals’ behaviour and choice rather than control supply.

  • DH policies score poorly in national audit scrutiny

    DH policies score poorly in national audit scrutiny


    A number of Department of Health policies may have been implemented without adequate assessment of their need or likely impact, the government’s spending watchdog has found.

  • Jenny Rogers
    HSJ Knowledge

    Jenny Rogers on facilitating meetings


    I would love to have been a fly on the wall at the arranged marriage discussions between the Tories and Liberal Democrats. Cabinet secretary Sir Gus O’Donnell discreetly said that senior civil servants were “available” to facilitate the meetings - which turned out to be so remarkably easy and short.

  • The salaries of 160 public sector bosses who get paid more than £150,000 have been published by the government.

    Top public sector salaries published


    The salaries of 160 public sector bosses who get paid more than £150,000 have been published by the government.

  • News

    Swine flu response cost £1.2bn


    The swine flu pandemic cost Britain more than £1.2bn despite being much less severe than feared, a government-commissioned review has found.

  • The gap between the life expectancy of the rich and poor is widening despite efforts to close it, a government watchdog has revealed.

    Life expectancy gap widens across England


    The gap between the life expectancy of the rich and poor has widened despite efforts to close it, a government watchdog has revealed.

  • Review finds £1.2bn swine flu effort 'proportionate'

    Review finds £1.2bn swine flu effort 'proportionate'


    The UK response to swine flu was “proportionate and effective”, an independent review has concluded.

  • Stephen Eames

    Stephen Eames on GPs in the hotseat


    At a recent dinner party, a fellow guest, who happened to be a GP, said: “If I was to invite my colleagues to a meeting about practice based commissioning, I would be there on my own with the sandwiches” (well, actually these days it would be without the sandwiches.).

  • The bones of a PCT recovery plan

    The bones of a PCT recovery plan


    PCTs’ plans for the tough times ahead need both the right ‘anatomy’ and ‘physiology’

  • News

    Trust may take PFI option for 'axed' hospital


    A foundation trust which had central funding for a major hospital building plan cancelled last week is looking at alternative ways of financing the project, including private finance.

  • Your Humble Servant

    Your Humble Servant: Handy Andy


    ‘It’s been a few months now, and we’ve had no new strategy, plan or output. I can only assume you’ve been stocking up on additional inadequates so that you can get rid of them easily as cost savings to show off to the new ministers’

  • Simon Burns

    Minister visits hospital at centre of A&E reconfiguration row


    Health minister Simon Burns is to visit Newark Hospital today after the local MP raised objections to changes to accident and emergency.

  • Hospital phone costs to be reviewed

    Hospital phone costs to be reviewed


    The cost of hospital bedside phone and television services will be reviewed by the government amid calls to curb “extortionate” prices, MPs have heard.

  • blood pressure GP

    GPs should be given commissioning budgets now


    GPs who want them should be given hard budgets now, with the details of national policy filled in later, according to a report from the NHS Alliance.

  • Dr Hamish Meldrum, chairman of the British Medical Association (BMA).

    Foreign doctors 'must speak good English'


    Poorly trained overseas doctors who cannot speak good English must not be able to treat patients in the UK, a doctors’ leader has said.

  • Care services minister Paul Burstow has launched the first direct payment scheme for personal health budgets

    PCTs to 'road test' direct payments to patients


    Primary care trusts in London and Liverpool will be among the first to “road test” direct payments for personal health budgets, care services minister Paul Burstow announced today.

  • The economic crisis could have “devastating” consequences for the NHS

    BMA warns of 'devastating' cutback costs


    The economic crisis could have “devastating” consequences for the NHS, with cutbacks to patient services and redundancies, doctors’ leaders have warned.

  • Chris Ham

    Future NHS accountability unclear, warns think tank


    The head of the King’s Fund Chris Ham has told delegates at the NHS Confederation annual conference that a test of health secretary Andrew Lansley’s commitment to taking the politics out of the NHS could come as the first big crisis.

  • NHS boards in Scotland are being asked to meet an increased target in the reduction of over-65s catching Clostridium difficile in their hospitals - placing the figure now at 50%.

    C diff target increased to 50% in Scotland


    NHS boards in Scotland are being asked to meet an increased target in the reduction of over-65s catching Clostridium difficile in their hospitals - placing the figure now at 50%.

  • Scrapping health service targets sends out a "risky message", a former chief executive of the NHS has warned.

    Scrapping NHS targets is 'risky'


    Scrapping health service targets sends out a “risky message”, a former chief executive of the NHS has warned.