All Government/DH policy articles – Page 173

  • Mug Andrew Lansley from interview

    Andrew Lansley attacks Alan Johnson


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley attacked Alan Johnson in a speech to the Royal Society for Arts yesterday, accusing him of neglecting his responsibilities as health secretary.

  • lightbulb light energy carbon global warming

    Round table - health Innovation: the future's bright


    As spending is reined in the NHS must find ways to increase quality without raising costs. The answer, according to chief executive David Nicholson, is innovation. Jennifer Taylor finds out how the NHS can become cutting edge while stimulating economic growth

  • White Michael smiles

    Michael White on the patient-consumer parallel


    It is always good to hear the NHS’s top brass trumpeting the service’s virtues, as NHS chief executive David Nicholson did when launching his third annual report. At least his list of modest triumphs serves to counteract some of the negativity generated by more regular reports of NHS failures in ...

  • 090528 productivity
    HSJ Knowledge

    Past, present and future productivity in the NHS


    Higher performance bought with heavy investment in the NHS is in jeopardy from arbitrary cost cutting in the name of efficiency. Andrew Street reports

  • nurse ward patient

    Trusts in the dark over cost of private patients


    How much should NHS hospitals be charging to make a profit on private care? With foundation trusts’ income cap up for debate, Sally Gainsbury looks into costs, calculations and rates of return

  • 090528supplement

    Divide and conquer: how patient segmentation can beat inequality


    Tackling health inequalities is one of the most complex and important tasks facing the healthcare system today.

  • surgery surgeon1

    Doctors claim NHS bears the cost of private care complications


    Private patients are being re-defined as “NHS” patients to pass the costs of complications to the NHS, the chair of the British Medical Association’s consultants committee has claimed.

  • Rebecca Evans

    Media Watch: Alan Johnson does his own PR


    The weekend before last, The Independent ran an interview with Alan Johnson in which, in answer to a question about whether politicians would ever be trusted again, the health secretary said the political system needed a complete “overhaul” and called for voters to be consulted on proportional representation.

  • Generic  doctor writing

    Trainee NHS doctors being told to lie about long working hours


    NHS staff are being encouraged to lie about their hours to make trusts appear to be compliant with the European working time directive, according to figures seen exclusively by HSJ.

  • Mug David Nicholson   2 50

    NHS may face over £6bn annual cuts


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson has warned that the health service faces annual savings equivalent to cuts of more than £6bn from 2011 onwards.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Commissioner-provider divide


    Primary care trusts are facing some critical issues over the integrity of local services as they separate their commissioner and provider functions.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The 18 week target


    Eighteen weeks is one of the biggest successes of the NHS in the last decade. Only a handful of trusts have missed the target and more than 90 per cent of patients across England are now treated within four and a half months of referral. It’s all a long way ...

  • Peat David

    David Peat on embracing NHS change


    Attitudes to the idea of change have always fascinated me. And I suppose I’m revisiting the concept since I’m on the verge of changing my own role in the NHS by moving on to take up a new post at strategic health authority level.

  • Older woman

    Developing an integrated falls prevention service


    Falls-related injuries are the leading cause of death due to accident in older people. Sue Poulton explains how to develop an integrated falls prevention and bone health service to reduce the risk of falls

  • News

    New health row rocks Channel Islands


    A new row has broken out in the Channel Islands over who caused the Department of Health to pull out of a 33-year-old reciprocal health deal.

  • David Nicholson

    David Nicholson sticks by NHS quality cash claims


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson has defended plans to save significant amounts of money by improving quality in the wake of criticism from patient safety experts.

  • Money problems

    NHS trusts owed millions by private patients


    NHS hospitals could be significantly overstating their private patient income because a substantial proportion of it is either never paid or paid late.

  • Michael White

    Michael White: a search for good news in the NHS


    With the expenses scandal delivering the most humiliating week for Westminster politics that I can remember in 30 years this column is committed to finding something more cheerful to write about MPs today.

  • Rebecca Evans

    Media Watch: expenses and NHS prescriptions for sunshine


    With MPs’ expenses dominating the news this week, there was less room than usual for NHS manager bashing, miracle cures or the rest of the usual health-related fare.

  • generic parliament

    MPs to debate health reforms


    MPs are set to consider reforms including the NHS constitution, quality accounts and personal health budget pilots following the Health Bill’s passage through the House of Lords.