All Government/DH policy articles – Page 56

  • EU flag

    New immigration charges could cost NHS millions


    Immigration and skills charge could cost NHS millions of pounds from April NHS England chief nurse Jane Cummings says EU staff must be supported Government has overturned protections for EU staff ahead of Brexit talks NHS England’s chief nurse has called on the NHS to support European nursing ...

  • Workforce
    HSJ Local

    NHS trust replacing qualified nurses with nursing associates


    East and North Hertfordshire Trust to replace 21 nurse posts with nursing associates Royal College of Nursing warns the move is worrying and will short change patients Nursing associate role is being developed by Health Education England The Royal College of Nursing has criticised plans by an NHS ...

  • coins toppling

    Bailout delays force trusts to take out extra loans


    Further uncertainty over the timing of payments from £1.8bn sustainability and transformation fund This could leave more hospitals struggling to pay suppliers and relying on interest bearing loans from the Department of Health Trusts complain of “unnecessary extra cost and administrative burden” Dozens of NHS trusts face having ...

  • NHS walk in centre

    Trusts must hit A&E targets to secure STF money


    NHS Improvement and NHS England chief executives tell trusts performance element of STF funding will be dependent only on hitting A&E targets Simon Stevens and Jim Mackey set out measures to improve A&E performance in a letter to local leaders Trusts will still have to achieve financial control totals ...

  • Elderly care

    Hospitals must be 'lippy' over use of increased social care funding


    New social care funding must deliver benefits for the NHS delayed transfers No formal NHS influence over spending in 17/18 Government to publish green paper on future of social care NHS organisations should be vocal in demanding that the extra £1bn committed to social care next year is ...

  • HM_Treasury

    HSJ Live 08.03.17: Chancellor announces STP, social care and A&E funds


    Chancellor Philip Hammond’s first budget and what it means for the NHS and social care

  • Anna Dixon, Centre for Ageing Better

    Mind the growing gap between health and social care


    It’s vital that in the forthcoming budget the government makes some bold political decisions that will set the course for putting care and support on a sustainable footing

  • budget case

    Budget 2017: What to look out for in health and care


    Chancellor Philip Hammond has warned there will be no “spending sprees” in Wednesday’s budget, but there are several areas in which the government may look to support the NHS

  • Richmond House

    Department of Health revises up recruitment numbers again


    Health minister reveals DH will recruit 340 staff over the next year It is the second time in as many months the DH has revised recruitment plans In January, the department said 538 civil servants would lose their jobs The Department of Health plans to recruit hundreds more ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens 'not expecting' new capital before autumn


    Simon Stevens says he is not expecting “capital questions” to be answered in next week’s budget NHS England chief executive says he has been making the case for social care to receive extra funding Five Year Forward View delivery plan will include “a smaller list of key improvement priorities ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Is the NHS losing sight of the patient?


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • King's College Hospital, Golden Jubile Wing

    Analysis: The trusts posing the biggest risk to NHS's financial plan


    HSJ analysis shows which providers must deliver the biggest improvement in the final three months of 2016-17 If the average performance in the first nine months is projected across the whole year, the sector would report a deficit of £1.14bn, against the £580m control total Hospital trusts with ...

  • Man holding a box of office belongings

    Treasury cuts force redundancies at arm's length body


    Budget cuts force Health Education England to announce redundancy scheme available for all staff Cuts also likely to reduce specialty training budgets including for GP training HEE faces a £70m cost saving in 2016-17 and a “flat cash” settlement until 2020 Cuts to Health Education England’s budget have ...

  • intensive care medical machines

    NHS England urged to review bed capacity after surgery delay deaths


    Royal College of Surgeons recommends a review of critical care bed capacity It follows two patient deaths as a result of delays receiving surgery NHS England chief Simon Stevens was warned by coroners of future deaths risk The Royal College of Surgeons has called on NHS England to ...

  • Narinder Kapur

    The safety branch should also investigate staff harm


    Narinder Kapur suggests that the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch also examine 10 cases a year of death or serious harm to staff arising from workplace issues

  • Kettering general hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust 'in real trouble' loses finance director


    Finance director leaves Kettering General Hospital FT during period of £13m deterioration against financial plan in three months Trust currently under CQC warning notice following inspectors identify ”sub-optimal care” Kettering has missed deadline to start reporting RTT data again after it was suspended in December 2015 Agency spend, A&E ...

  • HM_Treasury

    Exclusive: Budget set to extend CQC role to oversee care funding


    Care quality regulator to inspect local authority commissioning of social care New role for regulator will come alongside boost in social care funding Treasury wants reassurance money will deliver for social care and NHS The Care Quality Commission’s role is due to be extended to regulating local councils’ ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: £800m is the magic number


    HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Regulator to be investigated over handling of care scandal


    Jeremy Hunt has today ordered an investigation into the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s handling of the Morecambe Bay care scandal.

  • Workforce

    Doctors could be allowed to opt out of new consultant contract


    Contract proposal would allow consultants to opt out of new contract Idea would avoid the need for a ballot on the contract NHS Employers says it is “unwise” to prejudge outcomes of negotiations A new consultant contract for hospital doctors in England could be made optional for both ...