All Government/DH policy articles – Page 57

  • shredded paper

    Exclusive: Trust sector deficit worsens by £280m


    HSJ research suggests trusts’ finances have deteriorated by nearly £300m since quarter two The numbers suggest a year-end provider sector deficit around £970m NHS Improvement has been discussing revisions with a number of trusts and will report a lower official number next week Jim Mackey concedes the £580m maximum ...

  • Simon stevens at committee 18 october

    Exclusive: Stevens warned over bed shortage risk after woman's death


    Coroner warned NHS England chief executive of risks, following death of woman who could not get intensive care bed Mary Muldowney died after three hospitals refused to accept her due to a lack of beds Coroner said action was needed to prevent future deaths NHS England chief executive ...

  • Lord Carter2

    Stop using expensive management consultants, NHS told


    Lord Carter questions the NHS’s £640m spending on management consultancies Likened policymakers to a “dog watching television” Warns the Treasury will not provide extra funding without evidence of performance Lord Carter has questioned why the NHS spent £640m on external management consultancies, describing the use of the firms ...

  • Busy hospital

    STP and forward view plans 'unrealistic', Francis warns


    The NHS is facing an “existential crisis” and measures in the Five Year Forward View and sustainability and transformation plans are “unrealistic”, Sir Robert Francis QC has said.

  • Robert Francis QC

    Francis: Top-down pressure on NHS chiefs 'depressingly familiar'


    Mid Staffordshire inquiry chair warns of “increasing disconnect between staff and leaders” Sir Robert Francis describes “depressingly familiar” pressure on NHS chief executives Service “manifestly failing” to keep up with demand, he says Sir Robert warns of “existential crisis” facing the NHS amid financial challenges Sir Robert Francis ...

  • Stack of reports

    Francis outlines unfinished business four years after inquiry


    More still needs to be done to identify systemic causes of poor care and move away from blaming individual NHS leaders, Sir Robert Francis QC has told HSJ.

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Bad news warning


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Peter Homa

    Peter Homa: I would have stayed to lead merged trust


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust chief says heroic leaders are “redundant” Peter Homa said the share of GDP funding for the NHS needed to rise He urged new leaders to be transparent and to ask for help when needed Peter Homa would have stayed on as chief executive of ...

  • Richmond House

    DH to recruit 200 new staff after axing more than 530 jobs


    Department of Health says it is likely to recruit 200 new staff Earlier this month the department confirmed 538 civil servants were to leave DH has to cut costs by 30 per cent by 2020 Around 200 new staff are set to join the Department of Health – ...

  • Sir_David_Dalton

    Exclusive: David Dalton warns social care crisis will 'compromise' patient care


    Sir David Dalton says A&E crisis is caused by delayed transfers of care and a new social care funding model is “urgently required” Despite interest from new cabinet office team, Sir David says integrating health and social care funding will not solve crisis Financial and care performance will be ...

  • Workforce

    New taskforce to 'challenge' weak STP proposals


    Joint NHS taskforce set up to challenge weak STP workforce plans NHS Improvement nursing director says staffing is the “weakest” element of the STPs Ruth May warns of divergence between operational plans and STP forecasts A new taskforce will challenge weak workforce proposals in sustainability and transformation plans, ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: The signal and the noise


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Foreign passport

    Illegal immigrants traced using NHS patient information


    Agreement between Home Office and NHS Digital to trace illegal immigrants Home Office says requests for confidential patient information is in the public interest Deal signed in November came into effect from 1 January 2017 Confidential NHS patient information is being shared with the Home Office to help ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Shifting risk to commissioners, and no more sandwiches


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Rob Behrens

    MPs approve new head of NHS watchdog


    New health service ombudsman approved by MPs after joint hearings last week Rob Behrens is currently head of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator in Higher Education Mr Behrens will replace Dame Julie Mellor who resigned last year The new parliamentary and health service ombudsman has been approved ...

  • Karin smyth high res

    Karin Smyth: Getting behind the NHS headlines


    Karin Smyth MP reflects on the way ahead following the Commons public accounts committee’s inquiry into the financial sustainability of the NHS

  • Theresa may

    Exclusive: Prime minister launches review of care and integration policy


    The prime minister has begun a review of policy on social care funding, delivery and integration with health, amid huge concern about failure in the sector, HSJ has learned.

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Industrialising safety in healthcare


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • accident and emergency

    Exclusive: Ministers 'in talks' over new funding to halt long term A&E crisis


    Royal College of Emergency Medicine in “early discussions” with Jeremy Hunt about long term A&E plan News comes as May forced to reject Red Cross accusation that NHS is facing “humanitarian crisis” College says new model would save cash long term by slashing NHS’s £700m ED locum bill Senior ...

  • Theresa May

    Prime minister reveals new mental health commitments


    Prime minister Theresa May expected to announce a raft of new mental health policies today New measures include mental health first aid training for secondary schools, review into improving mental health in the workplace and extra £15m for expanding community services Mrs May is speaking at the annual Charity ...