All Government/DH policy articles – Page 61

  • News

    Planning guidance: Funding to shore up NHS deficits will continue until 2019


    A further £3.6bn of “sustainability funding” will be used to plug NHS provider deficits over the next two financial years, according to NHS planning guidance published today.

  • 586_Andrew_Lansley.jpg

    Lansley: NHS should get £5bn Brexit bonus by 2019


    Lansley calls for NHS windfall post Brexit during keynote address Former health sectary attacks ‘nakedly political’ BMA over ‘unethical’ strike action He robustly defends his reforms stating much of criticism is ‘demonstrably false’ NHS spending should be set at a minimum of 7 per cent of GDP The ...

  • Operation

    NHS needs 3.5 per cent annual funding increase, economists predict


    OBR projections suggest UK health services would require a greater proportion of GDP spent on public healthcare Projections assume policy remains unchanged but take account of rising costs and population changes Projection would require an additional £40bn by 2030 to be found through extra taxation or shifting spending from ...

  • Beverley Bryant

    Not prioritising cash for tech laggards is 'right'


    Beverley Bryant backs plans to switch funding priorities and push back digital deadline to 2023 Leading trusts will bring others with them, Ms Bryant says NHS Digital director sets out priorities including plans to parachute 100 “business change” staff to NHS organisations Pledges to make NHS Digital “relevant” and ...

  • GP Waiting room

    Spending on general practice rose 5 per cent last year


    Spending on general practice in England increased by 4.7 per cent in 2015-16, but its proportion of overall NHS spending grew by only a small amount, according to statistics released today. 

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Simon Stevens' summer offensive


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Richard Taunt

    We need emotional humans, not employee automatons


    NHS staff need a sense of psychological safety in order to overcome the fear to question, take risks and fail

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Prolonging the recovery


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: The capital


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt names 12 'digital excellence' trusts in line for funding


    Twelve trusts will receive funding of up to £10m each to fast track digital innovation Twenty more trusts to receive up to £5m to act as national digital champions Initiative comes as response to Wachter review published today Jeremy Hunt is today due to name 12 trusts that ...

  • Kieran Walshe

    The NHS ignores the law at its peril


    The increasing trend of carrying out change in the NHS without legislation to back it up is creating a worrying shortfall of accountability

  • Doctor looking at xray

    HEE unveils measures to 'improve quality of life' for junior doctors


    Health Education England revels plans to improve junior doctors’ quality of life Proposals include new targets for trusts to provide information, reviewing rotation periods and annual competency checks Doctors have expressed discontent with education and training system The number of times junior doctors rotate through NHS hospitals could ...

  • Mark porter

    BMA reveals three more five-day full strikes


    The NHS will need to prepare for 20 working days of full strike action by junior doctors between now and Christmas, after the British Medical Association announced three further weeks of action by trainees in England.

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Good news or flattering figures?


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Strike

    BMA council approves five-day junior doctors strike


    BMA council approves five-day strike by junior doctors next month Decision follows rejection of compromise agreement reached between BMA negotiators and government Strike action is likely to significantly affect the provision of NHS services and lead to thousands of cancelled operations Junior doctors in England will stage a ...

  • Doctors

    Revealed: NHS trusts to lose millions in training funding


    Treasury spending review leads to 2 per cent cut in education and training cash paid to NHS providers in 2016-17 Health Education England will offset the cut this year as a one-off move to prevent destabilisation NHS Providers warns cuts are not sustainable in light of wider financial pressures ...

  • Niall Dickson

    80 hospitals in GMC 'special measures' over safety and training concerns


    GMC chief executive urges government to accelerate reform of professional regulators, including mergers Medical watchdog is developing a new intelligence system to analyse data and act faster over concerns Seventy-nine hospitals are being monitored because of concerns over standards of training or safety Almost 80 hospitals are being ...

  • Sugar lumps

    Senior public health figures pan childhood obesity plan


    The government’s childhood obesity plan has been branded a disappointing missed opportunity by senior public health figures after it failed to take action on marketing and advertising of junk food and paid little attention to the role of councils. 

  • Court reports

    Exclusive: Trusts fail to report hundreds of mental health patient deaths to coroners


    Discrepancies in official data examined by HSJ suggest more than 700 deaths of patients detained under the Mental Health Act were not reported to coroners between 2011 and 2014 All deaths in state detention should be reported to the CQC and examined by a coroner DH could not rule ...

  • GP and patient

    Small jump in doctors applying for NHS training despite contract dispute


    Year on year increase in doctors applying for specialty training and GP training Ten per cent of posts for 2016 remain unfilled Further recruitment drives for some specialties planned More than 120 additional junior doctors have applied for specialty training in the NHS and more than 170 trainees ...