All Government/DH policy articles – Page 64

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    Junior doctors contract: 16 key agreements


    On Wednesday evening the government and the British Medical Association reached an agreement on the junior doctors contract.

  • agreement, handshake,merger,merge,takeover

    Deal reached on junior doctors contract


    A deal has been reached between the government and junior doctors, bringing to an end the three year dispute that has seen thousands of patient operations cancelled.

  • johann malawana

    Junior doctors contract talks extended


    Acas talks extended to Wednesday 18 May after “real progress” this week Sir Brendan Barber, chair of Acas, says negotiations have been positive and constructive Both sides have agreed to suspend contract imposition and industrial action Talks to resolve the junior doctors contract dispute have been extended until ...

  • Hospital Clock

    'No coherent attempt' to prepare workforce for seven day NHS, say MPs


    Department of Health accused of not properly assessing the workforce needed to provide seven day services Public accounts committee also raises concerns over insufficient funding Report suggests increased agency spending caused by “unrealistic” efficiency targets The Department of Health has made “no coherent attempt” to assess the impact ...

  • David Dalton

    Junior doctors contract talks resume


    Talks seeking to resolve the junior doctor contract dispute were due to begin on Monday, with Sir David Dalton leading for the government.

  • Parliament

    Poll: Two-thirds believe UK spends too little on NHS


    Two-thirds of people in the UK believe too little is spent on healthcare, according to a new survey Much higher proportion than in other major European countries UK health spending as a proportion of GDP has declined since 2009 Almost two-thirds of people in the UK believe too ...

  • Money

    Quango chiefs' pay falls by a quarter in four years


    Senior Salaries Review Body says pay for very senior managers in the NHS has fallen 23 per cent in real terms since 2009-10 No pay rise in five of the last six years according to report Independent body says it cannot make recommendation on pay due to poor Department ...

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016 2

    HSJ Live 27.04.16: Junior doctors stage second full walkout


    Rolling coverage of the second day of the junior doctors’ strike

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Jeremy Hunt: This is my last big job in politics


    Jeremy Hunt has said his role as health secretary is “likely to be my last big job in politics”.

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    Trusts fear impact of junior contract on services, training and bottom line


    Medical and workforce directors voice worries about impact of junior doctors contract Cost concerns include higher pension costs and pay protection concessions Warnings that trusts will need more doctors to maintain training and services Follow HSJ Live for in-depth coverage of the junior doctors’ strike The new junior ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Junior doctors' strike goes ahead as both sides stand firm


    Two day junior doctors’ strike set to go ahead Jeremy Hunt says there will be “unprecedented” impact on patient care BMA reiterates the dispute is not about pay Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has called for medics to cross picket lines during the full walkout by junior doctors on ...

  • Gavel

    Legal battle could cause out of hours costs to rocket


    Explainer: The rules for off-payroll payments Out of hours services costs could face a significant hike as off-payroll payments to GPs come under scrutiny from the government.

  • Treasury

    CCGs risk fines and unpaid tax bills for breaking pay rules


    CCGs risk unpaid tax bills and fines for breaching rules on off-payroll payments to governing body members CCGs move GPs to payroll before HMRC intervenes, which will increase the pay bill Commissioners cite lack of clarity over guidance Explainer: The rules for off-payroll payments Clinical commissioning groups could ...

  • Ruth May

    NHS Improvement to allow local power over nurse staffing levels


    The NHS should allow local discretion on nurse staffing levels but trusts will be expected to report against outcome measures to support patient care, according to an NHS Improvement director.

  • Niall Dickson

    Hospitals may 'struggle to cope' with walkout, GMC warns


    Some hospitals may “struggle to cope” with next week’s planned strike and junior doctors should consider the impact on patients before taking action, the General Medical Council has warned.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    BMA: Strike will be cancelled if Hunt drops imposition


    Junior doctors have said they will abandon next week’s two day strike if the government drops its threat to impose a new contract.

  • Social care

    BCF like going 'cap in hand' to NHS, says social care leader


    Funding the integration of health and social care through councils going “cap in hand” to the NHS cannot be right, according to the new president of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services.

  • Beverley Bryant

    NHS England clarifies tech funding position


    £500m of the £1.8bn earmarked for making NHS paperless by 2020 will go on existing contracts set up under the National Programme for IT NHS England director confirms amount of new, unallocated money is £1.3bn Beverley Bryant also reveals £119m of funding for tech projects will be available this ...

  • pharma

    Exclusive: Rise in drug imports reduces pharma industry money to NHS


    Treasury forced to inject £205m into DH last year after overestimate of PPRS payment Weakening pound because of Brexit uncertainty could increase money going to NHS Pharmaceutical industry claims rebate was also lower because NHS is benefiting from direct discounts An increase in drug imports from Europe was ...

  • Emergency care

    Hundreds fewer junior doctors apply for key specialty training


    Largest falls in year on year applications in key specialties such as acute medicine, paediatrics and anaesthetics HEE says recruitment will continue for some months before final position is clear Data comes as junior doctors launch latest 48 hour non-emergency strike over contract dispute Hundreds of junior doctors ...