All Government/DH policy articles – Page 7
How to close the Goldacre data analysis gap
Andi Orlowski shines light on the glaring need for the NHS to incorporate data and analysis to transform care and outcomes for patients and service users
Exclusive: Government extends pension tax bills deadline
The government is extending the deadline for NHS staff to apply for their pension tax bills to be taken out of their pension fund as opposed to paying it upfront, HSJ has learned.
‘Emergency’ pension rule changes extended to help NHS cope with winter
The government is planning to extend measures introduced during the coronavirus pandemic which relaxed the pension rules for staff who ‘retire and return’.
Govt to add trusts with unsafe roofs to ‘40 new hospitals’ programme
Several trusts with dangerous structural planks are set to be selected for the government’s flagship hospital building programme, HSJ has learned.
Exit payments above £95k to require ministerial sign-off
Severance payments above £95,000 will require ministerial approval under new proposals unveiled by the government.
NHS ‘shouting into the void’ with covid concerns
NHS leaders have sometimes been “shouting into the void” about their fears of the health service being overwhelmed by covid because of the absence of a single national command centre for the pandemic response, a new report argues.
New minister appointed at DHSC
A new junior health minister has been appointed, following Sajid Javid and Edward Argar’s resignations last week.
‘New hospitals’ trusts lack cash for planned rebuilds
Half of the trusts in the government’s flagship hospital building programme are ‘not confident’ their funding allocations will be enough to deliver their projects, a new poll of NHS executives has suggested.
Health minister among latest to resign
Health minister Edward Argar resigned last night, one day after health secretary Sajid Javid.
Steve Barclay is NHS leadership’s worst ‘nightmare’
Never has a politician arrived in the post of health secretary trailing a worse reputation among NHS leaders than Steve Barclay, writes Alastair McLellan.
'Congratulations. You just solved the workforce crisis'
This week, Martin Plackard, head of strategic communications at NHS Blithering, answers some frequently asked questions about strategy and shares his top tips with Julian Patterson
Government plans new ‘regulatory levers’ to force pace of NHS’s digital uptake
Digital improvement will be added to the conditions which trusts and integrated care systems have to legally meet as part of their operating licence, the government has indicated.
Revealed: The top team driving the national hospitals programme
Details of the senior directors responsible for delivering the government’s “40 new hospitals” pledge have been obtained by HSJ.
Ministers opposed 48 manager pay deals worth £150,000+ in last three years
Ministers have opposed nearly 50 proposed pay deals for top NHS managers in the last three years – but were only able to block four of them – figures obtained by HSJ have shown.
Javid hires new patient safety watchdog
The government has lined up a former national guardian for the NHS as the country’s first patient safety commissioner.
Javid wants top leaders to leave ‘walled gardens’ and take over struggling trusts
Sajid Javid has said ‘underperforming’ trusts could be forced to join ‘reform partnerships’ designed to spread the NHS’s best leaders across areas which are struggling.
Four trusts failing government’s free parking commitment
Four trusts are not providing free car parking to those identified as needing it, despite this being a government commitment, HSJ has established.
Sage member refused to back covid discharges statement
A member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies committee refused to sign up to the consensus statement on the impact of hospital discharges on covid outbreaks in care homes.
Expert Briefing
The Download: Lessons from the NHS’s most successful AI project
The fortnightly newsletter that unpacks system leaders’ priorities for digital technology and the impact they are having on delivering health services. This week by senior correspondent Nick Carding.
Expert Briefing
The Download: Vallance’s view
The fortnightly newsletter that unpacks system leaders’ priorities for digital technology and the impact they are having on delivering health services. This week by senior correspondent Nick Carding.