All GPs articles – Page 10
‘Galling’ move to claw back £28m of overpayments to GPs
NHS England is seeking legal advice on whether it can claw back £28m of “overpayments” that were made to GPs.
Several million vaccine doses ‘set to be binned’, despite shelf-life extension
Several million doses of the covid-19 vaccine are still ‘sitting in fridges’ across England and are likely to be thrown away, despite their expiry date already being extended, sources have told HSJ.
Would putting GPs under the command of hospitals work?
The pitfall of trying to design a ‘one size fits all’ model of primary care should be avoided, write Robert Ede and Sean Phillips
Revealed: the underserved areas losing more GPs
Several areas that already had low numbers of GPs in the middle of the last decade have seen some of the largest declines over the past six years, HSJ analysis reveals.
Levelling up must include action on variation in GP services
Unless urgent action is taken, failure to provide general practice according to people’s needs will likely widen disparities further, write Becks Fisher and Lucinda Allen
GPs told to resume routine care amid lack of demand for booster jabs
GP practices and primary care networks are being asked to resume routine services that were paused due to omicron and the booster vaccination drive.
HSJ Partners
Tackling covid-related challenges in services for patients with respiratory conditions
The covid pandemic has created challenges for many NHS services, including those dealing with patients with respiratory conditions. Sponsored by A webinar, sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim, at HSJ’s virtual respiratory forum looked at the impact on services for patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and how these could be ...
Drowning in surgical tape: doctors cost NHS millions, says study
Major new report highlights concern that vital management funding is wasted on unproductive patient care, writes Julian Patterson
GP’s ethnicity ‘affects level of support they get’
A GP’s ethnicity has an impact on the level of leadership support they get from regulators and external bodies, a new Care Quality Commission report has suggested.
GPs promised they will ‘not be disadvantaged’ financially for supporting emergency care
NHS England has sent a message to GPs urging them to continue their efforts to support urgent and emergency care, and promising they will not lose out financially as a result.
GPs told not to direct patients to pharmacies without formal process
GP practices are being warned against sending patients to pharmacies without completing a formal referral process.
Vax fee to GPs and pharmacies hiked again as NHS closes on 1 million daily jabs
GP practices and pharmacies providing covid vaccinations will be paid an extra £5 per jab between Christmas and the new year, as the NHS races to offer everyone aged 18 and over a booster jab by the end of the month.
Letter from Scotland: Scottish GPs are grumpy too
Henry Anderson gives the lowdown on the major happenings in the NHS north of the border
NHSE pressure led to ‘toxic environment’, report into patient’s death told
NHS England has denied creating a ‘toxic environment’ during a push to reduce the number of people with learning disabilities living in ‘modern-day asylums’, after the criticism emerged in a report detailing sweeping structural failings that contributed to a 47-year-old man’s death.
HSJ Local
CQC threatens to suspend licence of ‘large scale’ GP provider
A major GP group in Plymouth covering tens of thousands of patients could have its licence removed after failing to make ‘substantial improvements’ ordered by the Care Quality Commission.
Vax fee to general practice increased as government sets huge target
GP practices and pharmacies providing covid vaccinations will be paid around 20 per cent more over the next two months, as the NHS seeks to hugely speed up the process despite major constraints on workforce, HSJ has learned, as several senior NHS leaders said the NHS needed military support. ...
Expert Briefing
ICSs could be forced to pool their budgets with councils
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by deputy editor Dave West.
Government drops requirement to publish GP pay
The government has further delayed a requirement for publication of the NHS earnings of individual GPs, citing winter pressures, HSJ has been told.
NHS England reviewing remote GP appointments
NHS England has launched a review into remote consultations in primary care amid a row over GP appointments.
Letter from Scotland: social care reform proves challenging
The NHS proposals of the Scottish government has angered GPs and left managing bodies of community healthcare services grumbling, writes Henry Anderson