All GPs articles – Page 114

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    Maggie Rae on the role of GPs


    Yes, they have won again. The GPs have excelled in our local area survey. Each year, like the rest of the country, we participate in what is known as the place survey.

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    Two thirds of dementia sufferers not known to GPs


    More than 60 per cent of dementia sufferers are not known to their GPs, according to research by the Liberal Democrats.The party’s health spokesman Norman Lamb said the figures showed the need for improved access to primary care.

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    HSJ Knowledge

    What is causing GP referrals to rise?


    The 15 per cent growth in GP referrals to hospital in quarter one 2008-09 is putting pressure on both providers and commissioners (see first graph).

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    Quality and outcomes framework 'distracts GPs'


    The quality and outcomes framework has been criticised as offering 'inappropriate financial incentives' to GPs that can 'distract' them from offering the best care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    GP commissioning: the road less travelled


    Performance is patchy in practice based commissioning, but involving clinicians is crucial to the world class programme

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS data protection and GPs


    GPs must take compliance with privacy and data protection law seriously, writes Anne Crofts

  • News

    GPs are carers not killers


    I did not recognise my city, Brighton and Hove, from the quotes in the news story 'Killer conditions go unseen by GPs'.

  • Comment

    Steve Feast on GPs as community leaders


    When I was a GP, I was always amazed by the degree to which people remembered and acted on my advice. Frequently, the advice sought was not obviously related to any of my medical training or education.

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    PCT must provide more funds for GPs


    As a GP with a special interest in diabetes and who is studying for an MSc in the disease, I read your article 'Eat all that and you'll be sick' with interest.

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    Killer health conditions go unseen by GPs


    Only half of all patients with some killer conditions have been diagnosed and treated by their doctor.

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    NHS Direct relieves pressure on A&E and GPs


    I refer to your feature on NHS Direct and referrals to accident and emergency. Independent research published in June shows that NHS Direct is helping take the pressure off A&E and GP surgeries as it increasingly continues to advise callers to treat themselves at home. In fact, our most recent ...

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    Increase in GPs offering extended hours


    The percentage of GP practices offering extended opening hours has increased from 37.8 per cent in July to 44.9 per cent in September, according to figures from the Department of Health.

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    GPs unprepared for flu pandemic, survey finds


    Many GP surgeries are unprepared for a flu pandemic, a risk survey has found.

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    Entrepreneurial GPs are due respect


    Sophia Christie's allegations that GPs are 'venal' and 'breathtakingly callous' are unfair. I am a GP of 26 years' standing. I am vice chair of our (large) local medical committee and a board member of our practice based commissioning consortium. I have spent considerable time recently, with a great deal ...

  • News

    Entrepreneurial GPs deserve respect


    Sophia Christie's allegations that GPs are 'venal' and 'breathtakingly callous' are unfair.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Do GPs with special interests have a future in the NHS?


    GPs with special interests fear being elbowed out as more care moves into primary settings, writes Daloni Carlisle

  • HSJ Knowledge

    GPs in the dock: case for the defence


    Around 90 per cent of NHS work is done by family doctors, so why is there so much heat around their pay and workload? The Royal College of GPs' president answers the critics

  • HSJ Knowledge

    GPs must see sense on hours


    New proposals for extended working hours for GPs have provoked a storm of protest - but doctors should take a careful look at the benefits, argues Alastair Henderson

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Thousands now book to see GPs on web


    More than 56,000 people booked appointments on-line at their GP practice last month with one in seven practices now able to offer the service.

  • HSJ Knowledge



    It’s a scenario familiar to all GPs: a patient with complex problems registers with the practice and has a crumpled list of their drugs. Their notes come through six weeks later, with a faded printout accompanied by handwritten sheets and numerous hospital letters.Clinicians in the new practice have to do ...