All GPs articles – Page 50
We need to win the PR battle on sharing patient data
Data sharing will unlock pressure mysteries
HSJ Knowledge
Appraise be: how reflection can boost GPs' productivity
Don’t fear appraisal: it can actually lead to increased skills and care quality
Exclusive: Rise in consultations greater for non-GPs, analysis finds
Activity in general practice has risen in the last three complete financial years, but most of this has been for medical professionals other than GPs, research by a leading health think thank suggests.
HSJ Local
London CCGs to combine 111 and GP out of hours care
STRUCTURE: A consultation has begun on proposals to integrate NHS 111 and GP out of hours services across five clinical commissioning group areas in north London.
Exclusive: Manchester deal criticised for lack of GP involvement
Greater Manchester’s £6bn devolution deal has been criticised for excluding GPs from consultation about the new arrangements.
HSJ Knowledge
What the future NHS hospital should look like
Two hospitals challenging assumptions about how care is delivered
Delivering value supplement: Clinical innovation case studies
Three top examples of innovation in diabetes
HSJ Local
CCG to investigate postponed operations
PERFORMANCE: North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group is to investigate patient concerns about postponed operations.
CCGs to use primary care powers to develop new care models
The first clinical commissioning groups to be given control of their the primary care budgets have said they will use their new powers to implement the NHS Five Year Forward View’s new models of care and scale up GP services, HSJ has learnt.
HSJ Local
Pharmacies step in to help ease pressure on GP surgeries
PRIMARY CARE: Pharmacies in the North East have started to provide free pain killers so that patients with minor ailments do not have to make appointments with their GPs.
CCGs taking on full primary care co-commissioning powers revealed
NHS England has revealed the 64 clinical commissioning groups that will take full control of their local primary care budgets from April.
Stevens: New care vanguard must bring in GP lists
The involvement of GPs is the most important and most challenging factor facing any area wanting to trial one of the new models of care detailed in the NHS Five Year Forward View, Simon Stevens has said.
HSJ Knowledge
The system-wide approach to turn around a struggling health economy
Lessons learned by Guildford and Waverley CCG
HSJ Local
GPs to be trained to detect domestic abuse
WORKFORCE: GPs in Newham, east London, are to be trained in recognising domestic abuse and be expected to routinely question patients with sexually transmitted infections or unplanned pregnancies about whether they have experienced domestic violence.
HSJ Knowledge
Don't let primary care patients slip through the nets
Why primary care needs to prioritise patient safety
Cabinet ministers focus on delayed transfers ahead of election
Ministers across government are focusing on attempting to cut the rate of delayed transfers of care in a renewed effort to improve accident and emergency performance ahead of the general election.
Everybody needs good neighbours as our older population grows
Patient expectations and budgets
Future role of GPs in commissioning is ‘fragile’, report finds
GPs involved in clinical commissioning groups have doubts about whether they will be capable of taking on additional responsibility for primary care, health think tanks have warned.