All GPs articles – Page 7
Needed: a radical change in how Alzheimer's is diagnosed and treated
Fiona Carragher discusses barriers such as rurality, deprivation, and ethnicity that must be addressed to improve dementia diagnosis rates and open the door to new breakthrough treatments
HSJ Local
Trust’s A&E ‘effectively running primary care service’, says chair
An acute trust chair has said its emergency department is effectively operating as a primary care service.
Revealed: the tenfold regional difference in access to GP records
Fewer than one in 10 GP practices offers patients access to their records in several areas of England, with significant variation across England, six months ahead of a new deadline.
New target for huge NHS App expansion in general practice
The vast majority of GP practices should allow patients to manage their care through the NHS App in less than a year, according to the primary care recovery plan published by government and NHS England today.
National ambitions for use of NHS App undermined by plateauing performance
Take-up and usage of the NHS App in England has begun to plateau, after covid drove huge growth, figures seen by HSJ suggest.
Daily Insight
The mythbuster: The biggest problems in primary care are poorly understood
Steve Black highlights three interconnected problems in primary care that rarely get the attention they deserve
Digital exclusion is not solved by enabling online access alone
To make digitally enabled healthcare more inclusive requires co-producing services to meet the needs of various population groups with different levels of digital functionality for patients to choose from, writes Pritesh Mistry
GP contract needs ‘radical reform’, warns ICS review
The GP contract urgently needs ’radical reform’ to enable greater flexibility and local autonomy, the government has been warned.
Expert Briefing
West Country Chronicle: Staff survey reveals a county of contrast
From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.
GPs pushed to buy ‘cloud’ phone lines
The government and NHS England will ‘support’ GP practices to move more quickly to ‘cloud-based’ phone systems, so they can potentially set up shared call centres and make it easier for patients to get through, HSJ understands.
Trusts forced to take radical steps to support GP services
Joshua Edwards elaborates on trusts’ experiences of integrating primary and secondary care through vertical integration whereby the trust owns and manages general practices, its challenges and benefits
How ICBs can help people die at home
Ruth Robertson highlights the need for ICBs to work through immediate pressures to deliver good quality and coordinated end-of-life care services
Expert Briefing
West Country Chronicle: Two year waits have NOT been ‘eliminated’
From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.
Expert Briefing
Patient Safety Watch: All change for maternity transformation
HSJ is now hosting the Patient Safety Watch newsletter, written by Patient Safety Watch trustee James Titcombe.
HSJ Partners
Using linked data because ‘first-come, first-served’ is not equal
Optum facilitates systems and hospitals in incorporating a population health management approach, ensuring that the system is driven by population need rather than first-come, first-served.
Expert Briefing
West Country Chronicle: Not another nightmare year
From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.
Trust gives up running GP practices
Two Swindon GP practices that were taken over by the local hospital trust three years ago are moving back into independent GP ownership.
Expert Briefing
West Country Chronicle: New ICS chief targets ‘immoral’ costs
From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.
NHSE tells trusts: ‘be robust’ with GP referrals
An NHS England director says trusts should use ‘as robust triage as you can possibly do’ when deciding whether to accept referrals from GPs.
Expert Briefing
West Country Chronicle: Inside Cornwall’s care capacity row
From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.