All articles by Graham Clews – Page 2
Blog outlines Ed Miliband's views on NHS targets and PFI hospitals
Labour’s new leader Ed Miliband likes targets and private finance initiative hospitals, and doesn’t like the switch to GP commissioning consortia, the Health Policy Insight website reported.
Patients’ details left on train
A hospital trust has agreed to tighten security after a doctor left a memory stick containing unprotected and sensitive patient information on a train.
Child care branded ‘mediocre’
Health and social care for children is often “mediocre” in England, according to a report by former Healthcare Commission chair Sir Ian Kennedy.
HealthWatch must have no monopoly
The Care Quality Commission has warned that the government’s new patient advocacy service must not “crowd out” the views of other patients’ bodies.
Hospital trusts gain under new payment by results tariff
Hospital trusts could save “real money” as a knock-on effect of meeting new tariff standards for hip fracture surgery, according to a leading clinician.
Patient organisations fear losing voice
The government will do “nothing”, or “not much” for the NHS, according to a survey of almost 900 patient organisations, shared exclusively with HSJ.
Trusts not meeting equality requirements
More than 90 per cent of NHS organisations could be failing to meet their legal requirements to publish equality documents, a consultancy firm has warned.
The battle for NHS Direct
Party politics has resumed after the summer break, and former senior Labour ministers have headed straight for the NHS.
Trust rapped over patient records found at bus stop
A trust has signed an agreement to tighten up its data protection procedures after more than 100 copies of patient records were found on a CD left at a bus stop.
Consultant spending under fire
The media reported en masse government figures revealing the NHS spent more than £300m on management consultants last year, though not all pointed out that it represented less than half of 1 per cent of the service’s budget.
Mixed sex wards and ennui
Health secretary Andrew Lansley this week announced an end to mixed sex wards in the NHS, prompting an outbreak of ennui.
Steve Field on public health and milky u-turns
His members have been given the key to NHS commissioning, and now Royal College of GPs chair Steve Field has weighed in on the country’s public health.
GP referral management schemes fail to deliver
GP consortia should move away from using referral management schemes when they take control of NHS commissioning, as the schemes do not save money. A report by the King’s Fund also warned they can undermine quality of care.
Dr Foster Intelligence stake could be sold
The Department of Health’s stake in Dr Foster Intelligence could be sold following the announcement of a “strategic review” of options for the future of the enterprise.
Media Watch: lazy and unproductive?
Many NHS staff won’t be getting a pay rise and fear for their jobs, but they are lazy and unproductive too, newspaper reports suggest.
Broader healthcare role for councils unveiled
The Department of Health has unveiled its vision for councils’ role in making local health services democratically accountable by influencing commissioning.
CQC lifts restrictions on Mid Staffs
Five of the six licence restrictions placed on Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust have been lifted by the Care Quality Commission, following an interim report on the trust’s progress against recommendations made in a 2009 report by the Healthcare Commission.
Quality vascular surgery ‘requires centralisation’
Vascular surgery should be centralised before strategic health authorities and primary care trusts are abolished, the president of the Vascular Society has argued. Cliff Shearman’s comments follow the publication of an audit calling for greater centralisation to improve quality.
Media Watch: eye-watering, mouth-watering NHS cash
As the dust settles on last week’s health white paper, it seems the newspapers believe the reforms will lead to somebody somewhere making easy money.
HSJ webcast - white paper major challenge for PCT management
Senior managers at primary care trusts are facing the tough challenge of managing major change while dealing with staff who have been publicly criticised, Ealing PCT chief executive Robert Creighton said on HSJ’s webcast on the government’s white paper.