All articles by Graham Clews – Page 4
Less than half of NHS staff think managers work well with others
Just under half of NHS staff think that healthcare professionals and management work well together, figures from the 2009 NHS staff survey reveal.
NHS market reforms are not linked with better care
The introduction of competition to the NHS cannot be shown to have improved the health service, and may have produced extra costs.
Mental health trusts best at patient involvement
Mental health trusts have made the greatest efforts to reflect patients’ views in the precursors to formal quality accounts, the Foundation Trust Network has found.
New chief executive in post
The new chief executive for NHS Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale has begun work this week.
Trust given foundation status
South Warwickshire General Hospitals Trust has been awarded foundation status by regulator Monitor.
Staff at Mid Staffs 'lacked compassion'
There was a lack of compassion for patients at Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust, as well as a lack of information provided about patients’ condition, and insensitivity when staff were communicating with patients and their families, the inquiry into the trust found.
Misdiagnosis led to death of patient at Mid Staffs
The Mid Staffs inquiry heard of a number of cases of clear misdiagnosis, including failure to diagnose a serious injury in a young man who later died as a result.
Media Watch: smoke free future
The promise of government proposals to create a “smoke free future” for the UK provoked a press battle over the nanny state.
Home care ‘could save NHS more than £1bn a year’
The health service could save more than £1bn each year by increasing the number of patients it treats at home rather than in hospital, according to a report seen by HSJ.
Elder care pilot slashes hospital admissions
A pilot programme for improving care of older patients has slashed hospital overnight stays and accident and emergency attendances, and produced significant financial savings.
Public sector pay scrutiny
It may be a new decade, but it is a familiar story facing NHS managers returning to their desks after the Christmas holidays.
Knighted Nicholson pays tribute to NHS staff
NHS chief executive David Nicholson, cancer tsar Mike Richards and National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence chief executive Andrew Dillon have been given knighthoods in the New Year honours list.
Patricia Hewitt calls for vote on Gordon Brown's future
Former health secretary Patricia Hewitt has sparked political turmoil by publicly calling for a vote on whether Gordon Brown should remain as Labour Party leader in the run up to this year’s general election.
Winter chill hits acute services hard
Elective surgery has been postponed, hospital wards closed, and patients moved to other hospitals for treatment, as freezing weather and virus outbreaks hit the NHS hard across the country.
Hospital staff strike over pay and conditions
More than 250 cleaners, porters and cooks have staged a 48-hour strike at an NHS trust in Devon over implementation of Agenda for Change terms and conditions.
PCT commissioners should exploit ‘soft data’
PCTs should use more “soft” data, such as information supplied by mystery shoppers, to assess the quality of services they commission, the Primary Care Trust Network has said.
FT chief to take up strategic health authority post
The chief executive of a foundation trust has left to take up a senior post with his local strategic health authority.
Basildon responds to CQC report
The Essex foundation trust at the centre of the latest round of criticism over care failings says it has already begun to tackle the problems uncovered by Care Quality Commission inspectors.
HSJ Knowledge
NHS performance: GPs in the spotlight
Tight budgets mean PCTs must scrutinise all contractors to ensure they are providing the right value and quality of services - and this includes GPs. Graham Clews looks at the role of the balanced scorecard
HSJ Knowledge
Mob bullying in the NHS
The trend of staff picking on a colleague en masse is a tough one for the victim to cope with mentally - and tougher still for them to resolve.