Expert Briefing
London Eye: Naylor's gold part 2
Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by Ben Clover
Hospital trust tops sickness absence table for fourth year in a row
South Tyneside FT has highest staff sickness absence rate of any acute trust for fourth consecutive year Southport and Ormskirk has second highest for second year in a row North West region has highest rate nationally A hospital trust has topped the staff sickness absence rate table for ...
Top cardiac surgeon set to leave under-threat children’s heart unit
Clinical lead for paediatric cardiac surgery set to leave hospital trust Trust already faces closure of its congenital heart disease services Trust says it will still have necessary surgical cover A trust whose children’s heart unit faces closure looks set to lose its clinical lead for paediatric cardiac ...
Elective waits improve in January
The English waiting list and waiting times fell in January in better-than-expected figures. However the NHS remains in serious breach of the 18 week standard, and on recent trends things are still expected to get worse.
Expert Briefing
London Eye: Missing data causes harm to patients in south London
Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by Ben Clover
Top trust chooses Epic for £50m patient records contract
Epic electronic patient records system aims to go live by 2019 New data platform will create a bank of secure, de-identified data, which can be used in real time IT system will “transform the way in which we manage our research projects” trust says One of the most ...
HSJ Knowledge
Roundtable: Jumping the hurdles to better care in rare diseases
An HSJ roundtable sponsored by Shire brought together experts to ask whether the NHS was taking advantage of all the factors that could improve outcomes for patients with rare diseases. By Alison Moore
EU staff honoured at HSJ Awards
Six people have been honoured with a special HSJ Award for NHS staff from the EU.
New tariff would mean revenue cuts for specialist providers
Three providers would see their overall revenue reduced by more than 2 per cent next year The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital FT faces an estimated £4.5m reduction to its revenue Specialist Orthopaedic Alliance “exceptionally concerned” by the proposals A number of specialist NHS trusts are “exceptionally concerned” about the ...
EU contribution to NHS highlighted by Awards shortlist
The shortlist for HSJ’s special award celebrating the contribution to the NHS by staff from elsewhere in the EU has been announced.
Revealed: New oversight ratings for every NHS trust
Each trust placed in one of four categories based on the level of support they require from NHS Improvement Trusts will be formally categorised next month as part of the regulator’s new “single oversight framework” Thirty-five out of 238 trusts will have “maximum autonomy” See every rating in the ...
HSJ Local
Chief executive accuses trusts of poaching patients
University Hospitals Leicester chief executive says trusts in the South East are “offering to do clinics for nothing” Criticises consultants for referring “almost a quarter” of patients in catchment area to “providers in the South East” Calls on NHS England to establish referral pathways in line with its recommendations ...
Trusts named to test new nursing associate role
Health Education England has named the trusts to lead work piloting the new nursing associate role, and confirmed double the number of people will be trained for the new position than originally planned.
Child protection system still lacks data on 87,000 children
Local authorities face technical difficulties uploading information None of the four children’s specialist trusts have successfully implemented child protection information sharing system False negatives “raise a risk” for children with protection plans Nearly three quarters of children with child protection plans do not have their details stored on ...
HSJ Awards 2016 shortlist unveiled
We have today revealed the shortlist for the 2016 HSJ Awards.
Revealed: The trusts most reliant on EU staff
Specialist trusts and those in London have the largest proportions of staff from the European Union, HSJ analysis shows.
Three trusts set to lose specialist heart surgery
NHS England announces winners and losers in which trusts provide congenital heart defect services Central Manchester, Royal Brompton and Leicester set to have work transferred to other sites Swathe of trust to cease “occasional” procedures after NHS England sets out new standards Work follows 15 years of conflict between ...
Expert Briefing
London Eye: Suspension, validation and a surprise admonishment
What is going on in England’s biggest health economy, by Ben Clover
Analysis: The child heart surgery hospitals still to meet the new standards
Five out of 11 hospitals said they are working to meet the new standards in the agreed five year timescale Providers asked to submit a self-assessment of existing congenital heart disease services Proposals for future care models “fall significantly short” and “represent a real safety risk” St George’s has ...
HSJ Knowledge
'It’s really important to step out of the boxes we’re put in'
Chief Scientific Officer Awards: STEM engagement winner