All Health and wellbeing boards articles – Page 5
Integration Summit: Accountability must start with genuine co-production
Commissioners need to build trust among their partners
Integration Summit: Interaction prompts questions about trust
The Integration Summit raised questions about how different organisations interact
Local providers can step up to trump national players
We can offer more attractive solutions
HSJ Knowledge
Reality check: how the better care fund will work on the ground
Fundamental issues must be addressed
NHS's 'ridiculous' £1bn savings demand sparks care fund worry
The NHS will expect health and wellbeing boards to prove they can save £1bn by joining up health and social care services next year – £300m more than anticipated
Whitehall launches probe into health and wellbeing boards
Health authorities have pledged to check whether health and wellbeing boards are involving providers in better care fund plans as part of a Whitehall-led effort to increase scrutiny of local proposals.
HSJ Knowledge
Wellbeing boards: Getting over the language barrier
Improve communication between CCGs and councils
Exclusive: Better care fund checks prioritise dementia and falls
Many NHS and council leaders will assess the effectiveness of the government’s £3.8bn plan to integrate health and social care with performance measures on dementia, falls and long-term conditions.
Summit launched to support wellbeing board members
A new health and care integration summit is to be launched by HSJ and its sister title Local Government Chronicle with the intention of offering advice and support to health and wellbeing board members.
Ministers: Involve providers in 'better care fund' talks
Norman Lamb and communities minister Brandon Lewis have jointly written to health and wellbeing board chairs calling for more involvement of providers in plans for the better care fund.
Labour review: councils must prove "readiness" to take on care of "frail" patients
A report commissioned by Labour on how to bring about integrated care has backed an evolutionary approach to giving health and wellbeing boards the lead role in planning local services.
HSJ Local
Sheffield and Leeds trusts refused HWB representation
STRUCTURE: Two health and wellbeing boards in Yorkshire have refused requests from major acute providers for their representatives to be made members.
HSJ Knowledge
The kids aren't alright: more children are going to A&E than ever before
There are more under-16s in A&E than over-65s
MPs back wellbeing boards to be 'system leaders'
The Commons health committee has called for health and wellbeing boards to be given a greater role in spearheading integration between health and social care to ensure the sectors make urgently required savings.
Miliband's CCG vision at odds with Burnham plan
Ed Miliband appears to have indicated that Labour would retain clinical commissioning groups as key decision making bodies in the NHS.
HSJ Knowledge
A lawyer's view of health and social care integration
How to ensure smooth care coordination
New year's resolution: Tackle the UK's exercise crisis
Physical inactivity is a dangerous public health issue
Taking the pulse of health and wellbeing boards
A national survey of HWBs offers grounds for optimism
Health burden is greatest during moderately cold weather
The NHS has been urged to place greater emphasis on supporting vulnerable groups during periods of moderately cold rather than freezing temperatures after a study suggested this is when services come under greatest strain.