All Health Education England articles – Page 19

  • Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals
    HSJ Local

    Hospital achieves teaching trust status


    Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals Foundation Trust has achieved teaching trust status today following a public consultation.

  • Jackie Smith

    NMC to regulate new nursing associate role


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council is to regulate nursing associates after it agreed to accept the government’s request to enter the new role on its register.

  • Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Hospital under 'enhanced monitoring' over safety concerns


    The obstetrics and gynaecology department of a major London hospital has been placed on “enhanced monitoring” status by the General Medical Council and Health Education England after concerns about safety.

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    Exclusive: Doctors' views used to expose failing services


    NHS Improvement looking at trusts in lowest quintile of GMC’s doctors in training survey Regulator also believes concerns expressed by HEE can identify “trusts teetering on the brink of lasting A&E performance failure” See the most recent survey results NHS Improvement will use the satisfaction rates of junior ...

  • Sir keith pearson

    Revalidation for doctors must not become a box-ticking exercise


    Sir Keith Pearson says the revalidation process is changing things for the better, but that much work remains to be done

  • Busy hospital
    HSJ Local

    New scheme to plug A&E gaps with doctors from India


    Scheme would see NHS trusts contribute £16,000 towards training costs for each recruit as well as paying salary Trusts have agreed to host 20 doctors this year but local leaders believe there is potential scheme to be significantly expanded A&E departments under severe strain in recent weeks and medical ...

  • Therapies

    New 'bridging' role could follow nursing associates


    Another new role that combines nursing and therapy skills could be explored by Health Education England, once nursing associates are fully established, its chief executive has said.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Updated: DH refuses to release key funding details of Hunt’s NHS management scheme


    Jeremy Hunt promises to double amount of NHS graduate scheme places from 100 to 200, then rising to “up to 1,000” Leader: Hunt’s demand for more clinical managers is based on a false premise The Department of Health and Health Education England have refused to say how much ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt: Introducing NHS general management may have been a 'mistake'


    Jeremy Hunt launches bid to increase NHS managers with clinical backgrounds Mr Hunt rejects idea that non-clinical managers were needed to take control of hospitals Government will look to reverse changes to medical training made after introduction of the European working time directive Introducing a general “manager class” ...

  • Syringe

    HEE rows back on nursing associates giving patients drugs unsupervised


    Nursing associates will be trained to administer drugs “within the confines of local employer policies”, it has been confirmed as the final version of the curriculum for those in the new role was published yesterday – a change from a leaked version of the document that was heavily criticised.

  • Jane Cummings

    National nurse leaders defend plans for new support role


    Senior nurses in England sign letter defending plans for nursing associate role Letter confirms nursing associates will take on tasks currently performed by nurses New research says substituting nurses for non-nurses increases mortality risk The most senior nurses in England have defended plans for the new nursing associate ...

  • Janet Davies

    RCN chief: New role risks devaluing nursing


    RCN chief executive Janet Davies criticises “lack of transparency” over development of nurse associate role She says proposals to allow nurse associates to administer controlled drugs is “ridiculous” Viewing nursing as a task based role would put patient safety at risk, she says Viewing nursing as a task ...

  • Ian Cumming

    Not HEE's role to fill junior doctor rota gaps, says chief executive


    Ian Cumming says Health Education England is responsible for supplying future consultant workforce The drive to provide 24/7 care has created gaps in rotas that should be filled by non-training staff NHS trusts and universities will need to fund expansion of nurse training posts in 2018 Providing enough ...

  • Injection

    Leak reveals nurse associates will be allowed to give patients drugs unsupervised


    Leaked document reveals plan for nursing associates to calculate and administer controlled drugs Internal HEE curriculum framework leaked ahead of Department of Health decision on regulation Expansion of role to include administering drugs is a “recipe for confusion”, says professor of nursing policy EXCLUSIVE: Nursing associates will be ...

  • Deborah Sturdy

    Why care home nurses are due so much more respect


    Their skills will become ever more important, so let’s give them the support and recognition they deserve

  • primary care

    HEE misses GP training target despite record recruitment


    Health Education England has filled more GP training places than ever before but failed to reach its target for 2016.

  • Europe flags

    Hospitals demand clarity over future of EU staff


    Specialist hospitals have called for the government to clarify the rights of EU nationals to remain working in health and social care in the UK.

  • GP and patient

    Exclusive: HEE to receive £20m for GP training places


    Health Education England is to receive an additional £20m on top of its existing budget to help support the planned increase in the number of GPs in England

  • Nurse

    Trusts named to test new nursing associate role


    Health Education England has named the trusts to lead work piloting the new nursing associate role, and confirmed double the number of people will be trained for the new position than originally planned.

  • Shaun Lintern

    Analysis: The magical thinking of Hunt's medical training move


    Jeremy Hunt’s commitment of around £100m to increase annual medical training numbers by 25 per cent is a keenly political move. He is fresh from the battlefield with the British Medical Association, and needs to make an impact in a post-Brexit referendum world.