All Health inequalities articles – Page 8
Trusts must resolve tensions between local and regional priorities as reforms bite
Georgia Butterworth writes about place-based working and the ingredients for success
HSJ Partners
Why terminology matters
If we start with the wrong language, we will end up with the wrong solutions, write Sam Rodger and Habib Naqvi
HSJ’s Ukraine e-auction raises over £23,000
HSJ’s e-auction has raised £23,760 to help the people of wartorn Ukraine.
The NHS needs to welcome Ukrainian refugees in their own language
New research by Healthwatch shines light on barriers to care experienced by non-English speakers. Jacob Lant, head of policy and research at Healthwatch England, explains why language support is crucial in fulfilling the UK’s commitment to help refugees arriving from Ukraine
HSJ Partners
Integrated care systems and their journey so far
If we hold our nerve and shift from short-term targets to long-term gains, we can really deliver the potential of ICSs, writes Des Breen
Ending the short termism in health inequality policy
Toby Lewis on what it will take to tackle the waste and harm caused by health inequalities
What the NHS needs to hear from Javid tomorrow
Chris Hopson on the challenges created by the pandemic and the need of the hour for the NHS
Communities – not hospitals – are key to a thriving NHS
We need to make community-powered prevention a valued part of the system, writes Prof Donna Hall
HSJ Partners
New report to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on inequalities in cancer care
This is paid-for content from our commercial partners. Find out more The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer care and treatment across the globe has been significant. According to Cancer Research UK, almost three in 10 cancer patients had their treatment disrupted when the ...
Fair, not fast, should be the watchword when reducing waiting lists
Alongside the operational challenge of tackling backlogs inclusively, clarity will be needed about how systems are held to account for tackling inequalities when there are competing priorities. By Ruth Robertson
The secret weapon that could help win the PM’s war on cancer
Andrew M Wardley says there is one intervention that can both help catch cancer earlier and reduce health inequalities in cancer care: expanding outreach cancer services
The government has gone silent on mental health
If the government is genuinely serious about “levelling-up”, they need to tackle the disparity between funding for physical health and mental health and deliver the funding mental health services need, writes Dr Adrian James
How the Health and Care Bill can help the homeless and socially excluded
The new structures and duties proposed in the Bill, to integrate services around patient’s needs and across organisational boundaries present the opportunity for a step-change in our collective responses to the most excluded, writes Alex Bax
Will the desire for political grip trump the government's integration ambitions
The integration white paper marks a significant attempt to start to push the policy pendulum back towards local places; closer to patients and where care is delivered, writes Richard Sloggett
Levelling up must include action on variation in GP services
Unless urgent action is taken, failure to provide general practice according to people’s needs will likely widen disparities further, write Becks Fisher and Lucinda Allen
The lessons the NHS needs to learn from the covid vaccination programme
A study from The King’s Fund looks at the trials, tribulations and successes of the vaccine roll-out in England from its inception - and asks if there are broader lessons from it for both the NHS and local government. By Nicholas Timmins
We should be horrified by the early deaths of those living with mental illness
Since the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health was published in 2016, delivery of physical health checks has remained significantly below the 60 per cent target. There is an urgent need to provide enhanced care for this particularly high-risk group, writes Mark Winstanley
Revealed: The evidence which shows poorer and ethnic minority patients wait longer for NHS care
The significantly longer waiting times suffered by patients from minority ethnic groups and in more deprived areas for a range of elective procedures have been laid bare in NHS analysis shared with HSJ.
‘Low priority’ community cases to be deferred as staff redeployed
NHS England has told local systems to defer ‘low priority’ cases across 11 community services, because of the pressures created by the omicron wave.
NHS England must act now to improve the vaccination of those with a learning disability
Dan Scorer on the new data on the health inequalities facing people with a learning disability