All HealthWatch articles – Page 2
Covid redeployment ‘wrong’ and ‘will never be repeated’
Redeployment of community staff to other services – meaning visits for babies and parents were missed – was the “wrong decision” and would “never be repeated”, a provider has stated.
‘Deeply disappointing’ ICS strategy criticised by council
An integrated care board’s plans to work with the public and patients have been attacked as ‘deeply disappointing’ and ‘box ticking’ by the chair of a local authority oversight committee.
Expert Briefing
Recovery Watch: 80pc of the elective challenge
Recovering services from the covid crisis is the big task for NHS leaders for the foreseeable future. The Recovery Watch newsletter tracks prospects and progress. This week by HSJ bureau chief and performance lead James Illman.
Patient watchdog chair quits and tells Javid funding cuts are endangering ‘its vital role’
Sir Robert Francis has announced he is to step down as chair of Healthwatch England 20 months early, claiming funding cuts mean the patient watchdog could soon struggle “to fulfil its vital role”.
Expert Briefing
Recovery Watch: The great follow-ups revolution
Recovering services from the covid crisis is the big task for NHS leaders for the foreseeable future. The Recovery Watch newsletter tracks prospects and progress. This week by HSJ bureau chief and performance lead James Illman.
A&E bookings via 111 fall ‘far short of aspiration’
NHS England’s ‘111 First’ plan to make the 111 service a ‘primary route’ into emergency departments has fallen ‘far short of aspiration’, with only a small fraction of attendances being booked through it.
New Healthwatch England chief revealed
Healthwatch England has appointed a charity sector communications chief as its new national director.
Patient deaths spark multiple warnings about visiting restrictions
Coroners have raised multiple concerns that hospital visiting restrictions, brought in to stop the spread of covid, are having a damaging effect on patient care and wellbeing, an HSJ investigation shows.
NHS’ promotion of 111 First ‘not strong enough’, watchdog warns
Not enough people know about the 111 First A&E booking service as the messaging from the NHS ‘has not been strong enough’, Healthwatch England has said.
NHS England gives green light to drop four-hour A&E target
NHS England is pushing ahead with plans to replace the NHS’s four-hour emergency target with a new set of 10 metrics, it has announced today.
Housebound people being missed for vaccination, NHS warned
People who need to receive their covid vaccinations at home are missing out because their eligibility is not being recognised by GPs, experts have warned.
White paper final draft confirms far-reaching NHS legislation plans
A final version of the government’s health and care white paper, seen by HSJ, confirms it plans to press ahead with far-reaching legal reforms.
Discharge rules a ‘risk to patients and should change’
National hospital discharge policy could pose a ‘risk to patients’ because local areas may treat it as a ‘target’, two major patient groups have said.
NHSE told to set new A&E ‘maximum time to assessment’ target
Analysis carried out for NHS England’s review of NHS targets has proposed it set a “maximum time-to-assessment target… for all those attending [accident and emergency departments]”.
Revealed: The areas with the longest waits for emergency ambulances
The local areas where patients are waiting the longest for ambulances have been publicly identified for the first time by an HSJ investigation.
18-week target will not be axed in 2020-21
The 18-week target will be used to measure NHS performance on elective care for at least another year, NHS England medical director Steve Powis has revealed.
Sir Robert: Lack of transparency in hospitals ‘echoes Mid Staffs’
Sir Robert Francis has said the lack of transparency at many hospitals over complaints handling “seems to echo” findings of his inquiry into the Mid Staffs scandal.
Third of teaching trust’s elective patients waiting more than 18 weeks
A teaching trust’s referral-to-treatment performance has slumped 20 percentage points in the last two years as demand has soared.
NHSE moves closer to four-hour target overhaul
NHS England appears increasingly likely to recommend a major overhaul — and potential scrapping — of the four-hour accident and emergency target, statements issued today suggest.