All HealthWatch articles – Page 5
Integration Summit: Accountability must start with genuine co-production
Commissioners need to build trust among their partners
Integration Summit: Interaction prompts questions about trust
The Integration Summit raised questions about how different organisations interact
HSJ Partners
Finding the framework: The key elements of leadership from the CQC, Monitor and TDA
The leadership frameworks explained
Exclusive: Patient leader warning over timetable
Gaining public confidence in the controversial scheme may take longer than the six months currently set aside, according to an influential member of a group advising on the work.
Healthwatch criticises 'incredibly complex' complaints system
More than 75 different types of organisation are involved in a confusing health and care complaints system which is discouraging people from raising concerns, according to work done by Healthwatch England exclusively shared with HSJ.
Expert group: Leave Francis constitution amendments 'till later'
An expert group set up to review the future of the NHS Constitution has rejected the Francis report’s recommendation the document should be rewritten and has instead said the government should focus on making sure it was “publicised, embedded and applied”.
Francis: patient advocacy 'more fragmented' than at time of Mid Staffs scandal
Robert Francis QC has warned that advocacy support for people who want to complain or raise concerns about health care services is “more fragmented” than when he investigated the scandal at Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust.
Exclusive: £10m of Healthwatch cash 'goes missing'
Nearly a quarter of the funding for local Healthwatch groups has gone missing, according to research by the national body representing them.
Government rejects centralist plans for local Healthwatch
The government has rejected a plan by Robert Francis QC to force councils to hand centrally-allocated funding directly to local Healthwatch groups, arguing that councils should be free to decide the groups’ funding.
The nine rejected Francis recommendations
The government has rejected nine of Robert Francis’ 290 recommendations.
Complaints handling revolution required, says review
A government-commissioned report into the way the NHS handles complaints has called for an overhaul of the current system, referring to a “decade of failure”.
HSJ Knowledge
Getting CSUs to click with social media
Changing the NHS by engaging a web-savvy generation of healthcare users
Healthwatch's voice key to shaping the NHS
The new body should be regarded as a regulator of health and social care
HSJ Local
Former care trust chair takes on Healthwatch role
WORKFORCE: The fomer chair of Blackburn with Darwen Care Trust Plus has been appointed the chair of the local health watchdog.
Healthwatch chief admits delayed start for some areas
The chief executive of Healthwatch England has admitted some local branches are not yet established but said it will help resolve problems as “quickly as possible”, in an interview with HSJ.
Local Healthwatch at risk of 'fractious disputes'
The government risks making the same mistakes in setting up local Healthwatch that it made in setting up predecessor patient and public involvement organisations, the Francis report has warned.
Can greater transparency expose future care failures?
The government sees openness as key to preventing failures
Local Healthwatch 'bound and gagged'
Local branches of the new “consumer champion” for health and social care will be left “bound and gagged” by government regulations restricting their campaigning activity, it has been claimed.
Healthwatch England appoints chief executive
A former adviser to the prime minister has been appointed chief executive of the new consumer champion for health and social care.
Healthwatch chief sets out plans
Healthwatch England will not be a “megaphone” for local interest groups, the body’s chair has told HSJ in her first interview since taking up the post.