All articles by Helen Mooney – Page 10

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    Media watch


    And there you were thinking he seemed like such a quiet chap, but last week health minister Andy Burnham came out all guns blazing as he took at a swipe at people who 'get out their placards' when their local hospitals face closure.

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    Media Watch


    'Ding dong as hospital bans carollers,' said The Daily Telegraphas it revealed that the Torbay Gospelaires had been banned from entering Torbay hospital wards.

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    Media watch


    The surrounding media coverage has led to yet another round of NHS manager bashing

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    Media Watch: 'NHS penpushers'


    'NHS penpushers are paid £1.5m for doing nothing' the Daily Mail told its readers as the tabloids frothed earlier this week over news that the Department of Health is paying £1.5m to civil servants whose jobs have been made redundant.

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    Media Watch


    Thousands of junior doctors are to be shipped abroad, The Daily Telegraph said this week as it claimed 'up to 10,000 young doctors unable to find NHS jobs could be offered voluntary work overseas'.

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    Media Watch


    What Gordon Brown's premiership will mean for the health service has yet to be seen, but one thing is certain: the NHS is bound for more tumultuous times.

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    Media Watch


    'The focus has well and truly turned to the NHS, as it once again becomes the battleground for the next election'

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    Media Watch


    Another week, another government attack on fatties and smokers as The Sun told readers that the 'fatties' op' ban is 'fair'. It quoted health secretary Patricia Hewitt who said it was 'perfectly legitimate' for trusts to refuse some treatments to heavy smokers and obese patients.

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    Media Watch


    'Sack prat Pat' urged The Sun's leader as the paper told readers at the end of last week that 'if there's any justice, Pat Hewitt is not long for this political world'.

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    Media Watch: NHS meddling


    'We're still waiting for Mr Brown to give any indication of what he might do to the NHS. Surely he won't be able to resist some meddling'

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    Hewitt hints at likely loss of Monitor regulatory role


    Monitor is expected to lose its current regulatory role in the government's review of healthcare regulation, although a decision on its future will not be taken until the autumn.

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    Media Watch: Patricia Hewitt


    'Hewitt should back off', moaned The Daily Express. Most newspapers reacted with some contempt to the health secretary's statement that it is 'best practice' for doctors to order individuals to lose weight or give up cigarettes before they are treated.

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    Inside track: public health


    What's on managers' minds this week

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    Media Watch: Granger leaves


    'Anger as best paid civil servant goes', The Sunday Telegraph told its readers as it emerged earlier this week that the chief executive of Connecting for Health Richard Granger would leave his £292,000-a-year post in October.

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    Patient top-up fees on rise, say doctors


    Patients are increasingly having to pay top-up fees for private care because of budget cuts in the NHS and long waiting times, according to a report by pressure group Doctors for Reform.

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    Media Watch: junior doctors


    'How could they be so stupid?' asked the Daily Mail as it berated the government for failing to ensure junior doctors will be guaranteed jobs this summer in the Department of Health's new recruitment process.

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    ISTCs: wave three under way despite doubts


    The Department of Health is pushing ahead with wave two of its independent sector treatment centre programme despite scant evidence of value, HSJ understands.

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    Deficits 'symbolic' of wider trouble


    Financial failure in NHS institutions reflects a wider malaise, the Audit Commission has warned.

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    Public health must move in 'corridors of power'


    The voice of public health must become less 'fragmented', according to new Faculty of Public Health president Professor Alan Maryon Davis.

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    DoH should contract out tariff-setting, says report


    The Department of Health should look at 'contracting out' elements of the tariff-setting process, according to a hard-hitting report commissioned by ministers.