This week’s issue of HSJ magazine is now available to read on our tablet app.

cover 25.07.14

In this week’s issue an HSJ analysis of savings and income plans of 139 non-specialist trusts reveals they sought to boost income and make cuts elsewhere to avoid wage bill reductions. Plus:


  • Leading trusts “buddied” with failing ones under the special measures regime could double their money under Monitor’s bonus scheme
  • Healthwatch warns that the rise of “super clinical commissioning groups” undermines the watchdog’s authority
  • Local training posts could be axed as part of the second phase of Health Education England’s cost cutting reorganisation
  • The friends and family test is to be rejigged after NHS England concluded that the barometer could not be used as a “single measure” for care quality
  • Yvonne Sawbridge and Alistair Hewison discuss why managing “emotional labour” will help achieve staff wellbeing and quality services

To find the latest issue, simply navigate to “This week’s issue” on the app, or tap on the cover image on the homepage.

HSJ’s tablet app is free to download for both iPad and Android devices. iPad users can download it directly here, Android users will need to download it from the Google Play store.