Daily Insight
Daily Insight is HSJ's digest of each day's most important stories and why they matter. It is sent in the morning, Tuesday to Friday.
Weekly Catch-up summarises the week's biggest health stories. If you have been out of the office or otherwise just too busy to keep up, HSJ's Friday afternoon catch-up will ensure you are still in the know.
On Monday morning, Daily Insight subscribers will also receive Steve Black's weekly column, The Mythbuster.
Daily Insight is now available to listen to on Amazon's Alexa as a flash briefing. For more details on how to set this up, click here.
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HSJ Weekly Catch-up: Tarnished tech, hindered hospitals and exiting execs
Your essential update on health for the week.
Daily Insight: Departures lounge set for busy summer
The must-read stories and debate in health policy and leadership.
Daily Insight: The unacceptable ‘new normal’
The must-read stories and debate in health policy and leadership.
Daily Insight: New reality for the new hospitals
The must-read stories and debate in health policy and leadership.
Daily Insight: Not fired, just… rehired
The must-read stories and debate in health policy and leadership.
The mythbuster: AI focus is a distraction
Investing in AI for NHS data overlooks the real need: basic, affordable analysis of critical data sets to solve pressing issues
HSJ Weekly Catch-up: Uncertain futures, patient activists and revamped offices
Daily Insight: Money saved equals expertise lost
Daily Insight: Cleaning up lists could get messy
Daily Insight: Turbulence at the top
Daily Insight: An appointment to watch
The mythbuster: My top five healthcare books
HSJ Weekly Catch-up: Elective plans, handover woes and legal dust-ups
Daily Insight: Does overseas equal underpaid?
Daily Insight: Community services’ ticking clock
Daily Insight: £200m spent, one hospital built
The mythbuster: The five management books NHS leaders must read
The mythbuster: The zombie idea that demand is causing long A&E waits must die
Daily Insight: Glutens for punishment
Daily Insight: The ‘not so zero tolerance’ policy
The mythbuster: Buying ‘innovative’ drugs is not the best use of NHS funds
HSJ Weekly Catch-up: Dodgy providers, covered backsides and happy consultants
Daily Insight: ‘Supportive intervention’
Daily Insight: Trouble at the top
Daily Insight: Do they know it’s consultant time?
Daily Insight: Right to choose or wrong choice?
The mythbuster: The ‘three shifts’ must wait while the NHS fixes its urgent problems
HSJ Weekly Catch-up: Five cyber attacks, three trust chairs and a smarting Ara Darzi
Daily Insight: Raiders of the lost cause
Daily Insight: Play the pipes of peace?
Daily Insight: Artificial intelligence gets real
Daily Insight: 80,000 ways to attack the NHS
The mythbuster: The dangers of simplistic assumptions
HSJ Weekly Catch-up: Unsustainable solutions, winter warnings and profitable partings
Daily Insight: Not the only game in town
Daily Insight: Unsustainable solutions
Daily Insight: Riding roughshod over the rules
Daily Insight: Hitting a nerve
The mythbuster: What’s wrong with league tables?
HSJ Weekly Catch-up: Deeper deficits, greater candour and non-existent pressure
Daily Insight: Letby CEO ‘acted in good faith’
Daily Insight: A question of candour
Daily Insight: Targets, terror and merchants of doom
Daily Insight: An ever-deepening deficit
The mythbuster: What Apple can teach the NHS about logistics
HSJ Weekly Catch-up: Costly decisions, distressing delays and whopping pay days
Daily Insight: Pay rise raises eyebrows
Daily Insight: ‘Personal vendetta’ or legitimate concerns?
Daily Insight: A tragic mess
Daily Insight: A costly decision
The mythbuster: The 10-year plan groups seem focused on virtue signalling – not radical change
HSJ Weekly Catch-up: Slow reactions, familiar faces and salaried GPs
Daily Insight: Group model moves up a gear
Daily Insight: Did Streeting pick the right fight?
Daily Insight: Agency provocateurs
Daily Insight: Openness amid oversight
The mythbuster: The Budget will not necessarily improve the value of NHS care
HSJ Weekly Catch-up: Musical chairs, financial farces and costly mistakes
Daily Insight: The new breed of gamers
Daily Insight: The cost of avoidable harm