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  • King’s Fund conference and mid-term review
  • Reaction to Ofsted-style ratings for hospitals
  • Analysis of whether global operations can bring in money for the NHS

5.09pm: Liz Kendall outlines her approach to a modern care system in the 21st century. Integrated services should improve health and how taxpayers’ money is used, writes the shadow minister for care and older people .

4.02pm: Health secretary Jeremy Hunt appears to have ruled out joining I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here. More surprisingly, the Daily Telegraph has reported that he has sprung to the defence of Conservative backbencher Nadine Dorries who took time away from the Commons to appear on the ITV1 programme.

Speaking to the London radio station LBC, Mr Hunt said: ”I don’t think I would go into the jungle. I actually do admire Nadine for doing it and I know she got a lot of stick.

”Initially, when I was asked about it, I thought, ‘Yes, MPs shouldn’t do this’.

”But, actually, I think we need characters in Parliament and when we have them, we should treasure them.”

3.16pm: Jeremy Hunt and other’s are speaking at the King’s Fund’s annual conference today. HSJ reporter Sarah Calkin is covering the event.

3.15pm: The King’s Fund today published its mid-term review of the government’s record on the health service, warning of risks ahead.

2.30pm: The Department of Health has recommissioned HQIP - the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership - to lead the key national clinical audits, following a tender of the work.The three-year contracts cover the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme and the Clinical Outcome Review Programme.

However, as part of the arrangement, HQIP has put in place additional measures aimed at strengthening clinical audit. These includeHQIP appointing a medical director; a partnership with Imperial College London to improve national clinical audit methodologies; and starting work on audit adapted for social care settings

11.08am Trust boards must take the lead in promoting the health and wellbeing of staff, according to a new report backed by the NHS chief executive, the Royal College of Physicians and Faculty of Occupational Medicine.

10.30am: Health secretary Jeremy Hunt’s plans for Ofsted style ratings for hospitals and care homes are prompting much debate this morning. Foundation Trust Network chief executive Chris Hopson said: “The use of summary assessments - such as OFSTED inspections and school league tables - has clearly driven improvement in our schools. In implementing this approach in the NHS the devil is in the detail. We therefore welcome the chance to work closely with Jennifer Dixon as she recommends how we turn an important top level objective into workable reality on the ground. We’ve tried this before and it didn’t work. Ensuring appropriate involvement from NHS Trusts in this work is key to getting it right this time”.

7.01am: Good morning, operating globally provides the NHS with an opportunity to make money, but the risks and rewards must be examined closely says Ernst and Young. The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia alone anticipates investment in hundreds of new hospitals. But these deals fail frequently.