An HSJ roundtable in association with CliniSys discussed potential roadblocks to further improving efficiency in diagnostics

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The value of effective diagnostics has been underscored by the pandemic. But so too have the challenges facing the field – pre-March 2020 issues including workforce issues, a need for even greater digitisation, and how best to collaborate such that services are as efficient as possible.

To consider such obstacles – and how to overcome them – HSJ recently organised a virtual roundtable. Run in association with CliniSys, it brought together a select panel to consider just how the NHS might deliver even more efficient diagnostic services.


  • Janine Bontoft, LIMS implementation manager, West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts
  • Simon Brewer, managing director, South West London Pathology
  • Richard Craven, chief executive, CliniSys
  • Erika Denton, medical director and consultant radiologist, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals Foundation Trust
  • Ian Fry, former director of pathology, Berkshire and Surrey Pathology Service
  • Lara Lopes, deputy general manager for cardiorespiratory and neurophysiology diagnostics, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Foundation Trust
  • Martin Myers, consultant clinical biochemist, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust
  • Chris Sleight, programme director for diagnostics, Greater Manchester and chair, Greater Manchester Imaging Network and Greater Manchester Pathology Network