Partnered by
Turning The Tide Oversight Group
Equity in Career Development, Opportunity and Well-Being
The Turning The Tide report sets out the experiences of BAME maternity staff and women during the pandemic and makes seven recomendations. One is to achieve equity in career development, career opportunities, well-being for non-white staff and to address current barriers.
Development of clinical fellow opportunities, an anti-racism framework and the mentorship programme for BME maternity staff are pioneering initiatives are strengthening a positive culture of inclusive leadership across maternity services and arm’s length bodies. They are also contributing to heightened satisfaction and career progression of BME maternity staff. The judges were impressed and felt the undeniable passion from the winners. Their enthusiasm to find out what they could do next with future initiatives shone through. Judges really liked the ideas presented and were excited to see what was next from this group.
To read this entry in full visit HSJ Solutions.
Highly commended: Chief Nursing Officer & Chief Midwifery Officers Black and Minority Ethnic Strategic Advisory Group, NHS England - Emergency Covid Response: Focus on Workforce Experiences
- Arden and Gem CSU and The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals FT - Maximising Your Potential - Leadership Development Programme
- Barnardo’s - Public Health Respiratory Support for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Families
- Guy’s and St Thomas’ FT - Kofoworola Abeni Pratt Fellowship
- King’s College Hospital FT - Equitable Care for All Ethnicities at the end-of-life project
- Midlands Leadership and Lifelong Learning Team, NHS England - Primary Care BAME Women Sponsorship Programme
- NHS England (Midlands), Midlands Leadership and Lifelong Learning Academy, Midlands CNO & CMidO Ethnic Minority Expert Reference Group & CNO & CMidO BME Strategic Advisory Group Regional representative - Developing Aspirant Ethnic Minority Leaders Programme
- Whittington Health Trust - See ME First
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HSJ Awards 2022: NHS Race Equality Award
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