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HSJ Awards
HSJ Independent Healthcare Providers Awards 2025: Best Insourcing Initiative by an Independent Healthcare Provider
WINNER: DMC Healthcare, Lincolnshire ICB, United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals Trust, and Lincolnshire Elective Activity Coordination Hub: Reducing Dermatology Patient Waiting Lists Post-COVID Recovery
HSJ Awards
HSJ Independent Healthcare Providers Awards 2025: Best Provider of Mental Health Services
WINNER: Orri and Sussex Partnership FT: Provider Collaborative and Orri Partnership
HSJ Awards
HSJ Independent Healthcare Providers Awards 2025: Best Provider of Digital Healthcare Services
WINNER: Inhealthcare and Leeds Teaching Hospitals: Reduce Bed Days Through Virtual Wards
HSJ Awards
HSJ Independent Healthcare Providers Awards 2025: Excellence in Clinical Innovation
WINNER: Connect Health: A Fit-For-Future Sustainable Model Of Musculoskeletal (MSK) Care Maximising Productivity And Clinician Experience Through Innovations In Digital Technology, And Scalable Solutions For Demedicalising MSK Health And Self-Management
HSJ Awards
HSJ Independent Healthcare Providers Awards 2025: Best Provider of Diagnostic Services
WINNER: Cyted Health & NHS Scotland: Capsule Sponge Testing – Transforming Early Cancer Detection Across Scotland
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: Acute Sector Innovation of the Year
WINNER Moorfields Eye Hospital Foundation Trust, Royal Free Hospital, North Central London Integrated Care Board, NHS England, LOCSU et al Single Point of Access
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: Clinical Leader of the Year
WINNER Jean McDonald North Middlesex University Hospital
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: Primary and Community Care Provider of the Year
WINNER St Wulfstan Surgery A Patient-Centric Approach To Delivering Outstanding Care
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: Innovation and Improvement in Reducing Healthcare Inequalities Award
WINNER Fleetwood Primary Care Network Improving the Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing of Children and Young People Across Fleetwood
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: Integrated Care Initiative of the Year
WINNER Gloucestershire ICB Integrated Respiratory Programme
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: Mental Health Innovation of the Year
WINNER North London Mental Health Partnership North Central London Vanguard
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: Military and Civilian Health Partnership Award
WINNER The Poppy Factory and NHS Partnership Supporting ex-Forces Patients Back Into Work
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: Modernising Diagnostics Award
WINNER North West London ICS North West London AcuPebble Pathway for Straight-to-Test Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Diagnosis: Faster, Cheaper, Equitable, and Sustainable Diagnostic Modernisation
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: NHS Communications Initiative of the Year Award
WINNER South East London Cancer Alliance Increasing Earlier Diagnosis of Breast and Prostate Cancer Amongst Our Black Communities
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: NHS Race Equality Award
WINNER The Royal Marsden Breaking Barriers in Healthcare Inequality Through a UK-First Skin-Tone Inclusive Softie
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: Data-Driven Transformation Award
WINNER South East Temporary Staffing Collaborative South East Temporary Staffing Programme
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: Digitising Patient Care Award
WINNER East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trust and Health Innovation East Innovating Parkinson’s Care with Neu Health
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: Driving Efficiency through Technology Award
WINNER Liverpool Women’s Foundation Trust Liverpool Women’s Hewitt Centre Digital Transformation Initiative Fertility Patient Portal
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: Early Intervention and Prevention for Children, Young People and Families Award
WINNER Small Steps Big Changes Small Steps Big Changes’ Family Mentor Service
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2024: HSJ Partnership of the Year
WINNER Eli Lilly & Company and The Christie Foundation Trust New Models of Complex Adjuvant Care in Patients with Early Breast Cancer