All HSJ Awards articles – Page 8

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Acute or Specialist Services Redesign (North/Midlands/East)


    Manchester University Foundation Trust: The RAPID (Rapid Access to Pulmonary Investigations and Diagnosis) Programme Lung cancer is the biggest cause of premature death in Greater Manchester, claiming more lives than any other disease or all cancers combined. It was in this context that members of the multidisciplinary lung cancer team ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Acute or Specialist Services Redesign (London and the South)


    Imperial College Healthcare Trust – Connecting Care for Children When staff at Imperial College Healthcare Trust invited feedback on services for children, they were given a valuable summary of the issues from the patient and carer perspective. “My health visitor told me to do one thing and the hospital told ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Acute Sector Innovation


    RM Partners, hosted by The Royal Marsden Foundation Trust, in collaboration with Imperial College Healthcare Trust, St George’s University Hospitals Foundation Trust and Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals Trust – Rapid Access to Prostate Imaging and Diagnosis (RAPID) Project More men are being diagnosed with prostate cancer than ever ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Chief Executive of The Year


    Lesley Watts, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Foundation Trust Lesley Watts has spent 40 years in the NHS, first as a midwife, then as a manager and now as a chief executive. It’s fair to say she was faced with a challenge when she took on the top job at Chelsea ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Clinical Leader of the Year


    Anthony Clarkson, assistant director and chief nurse for organ donation and transplantation, NHS Blood and Transplant In the time Anthony has been in post, organ donations in the UK have doubled. Colleagues say this is no coincidence. A professional nurse who has spent his entire career in the NHS, he ...

  • HSJ Awards bigger
    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Community or Primary Care Services Redesign (North/Midlands/East)


    Conexus Healthcare – National consultancy and training programme on care navigation In West Wakefield, calling a GP surgery involves a conversation which goes far beyond exploring when a doctor might next be available. In 2014, the area pioneered the care navigator role – giving receptionists the skills and information to ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Community or Primary Care Services Redesign (London and the South)


    Newham Clinical Commissioning Group – Latent Tuberculosis Infection Screening and Treatment Programme For many years, the east London borough of Newham has had the capital’s highest rates of tuberculosis – rates higher even than those in some developing countries. One third of Newham’s young, ethnically diverse population was born overseas, ...

  • HSJ Awards bigger
    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Compassionate Patient Care


    Northumbria Healthcare Foundation Trust – Developing a birth reflection service For many mothers, the impact of a difficult birth is significant. It can be the source of negative beliefs which prove long-lasting, or be further fuel for a previously-held sense of vulnerability or failure. At Northumbria Healthcare FT, a team ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Creating a Supportive Staff Culture


    East Lancashire Hospitals Trust – Engage to Make a Difference Sponsored by In 2013, following the Keogh Review, East Lancashire Hospitals Trust was placed in special measures. The impact on staff is said to have been significant: rock bottom morale, and an awareness that the local population had ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Enhancing Care by Sharing Data and Information


    Sherwood Forest Hospital Foundation Trust – Reasonable adjustments and more for patients with a learning disability Sponsored by When staff at Sherwood Forest Hospital FT compared primary care registers of people with known learning difficulties to the registers held by the trust, something became immediately clear: theirs contained ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: HSJ Partnership of The Year


    Sodexo – Sodexo and University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust A merger is rarely a straightforward proposition. But the coming together of parts of the failing Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust with University Hospital of North Staffordshire Trust was naturally much more challenging than most. The stakes were high, with a ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Improved Partnerships Between Health and Local Government


    Gateshead Care Partnership – Streamlining health and social care services for the people of Gateshead Sponsored by When the Gateshead Care Partnership was formed, its constituent organisations were far from struggling. Most partners were already rated outstanding, excellent or good. But staff at bodies, including Gateshead Council, Gateshead ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Improvement in Emergency and Urgent Care


    Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust – Children and young people’s ambulatory care experience Children and young people account for 30 per cent of emergency department attendances in Bradford. But in 70 per cent of these cases, the patient is discharged after an initial observation – only five per cent are ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Improving Care with Technology


    Surrey and Borders Partnership Foundation Trust – Technology Integrated Health Management (TIHM) for dementia More than 930,000 people in the UK have dementia, a figure set to rise well above one million by 2025. One in four hospital beds are now occupied by someone with the disease, yet in many ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Improving Outcomes Through Learning and Development


    Kingston Hospital Foundation Trust – Physiological CTG and human factors training to reduce early neonatal deaths and intrapartum brain damage In 2015 in the UK, 1,136 babies either died in labour, soon after birth, or sustained severe brain injury. In three quarters of those cases, different care might have led ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Innovation in Mental Health


    East Midlands Academic Health Science Network – Transforming ADHD care across the East Midlands Sponsored by Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a common neurodevelopmental disorder which affects five per cent of school age children. It’s treatable, and early intervention significantly reduces the chance of the condition affecting an ...

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    HSJ Awards 2018: Optimisation of Medicines Management


    AT Medics – Central pharmacy team Sponsored by Guidance on medicines optimisation is not in short supply. But at AT Medics – a provider of GP services to over 240,000 patients – a business intelligence tool demonstrated there was a significant gap between best practice and practical application. ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Patient Digital Participation


    Chelsea and Westminster Foundation Trust – Dean Street PRIME 56 Dean Street, a sexual health service in central London, reaches more high risk gay men than any other UK clinic. Staff were aware that translated to a unique opportunity to reduce HIV transmission in this community. Dean Street PRIME was ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Patient Safety


    Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Foundation Trust – Personality Disorder Hub Team The ward-based deaths of four patients with complex and co-morbid emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD) naturally left clinicians at Northumberland, Tyne and Wear FT striving to find ways to improve patient safety for this vulnerable group. Risk aversion meant ...

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    HSJ Awards

    HSJ Awards 2018: Primary Care Innovation


    Mid-Mersey A&E Delivery Board, Widnes Vikings, Renova Developments and Cheshire & Merseyside Health & Care Partnership – Beat the Scrum Sponsored by People in Halton – a region in north west England with a challenging socioeconomic makeup – have often not used the NHS in the most effective ...