North of England Care System Support: OPTICA - Optimising Patient Flow and Hospital Discharge Processes

OPTICA (Optimised Patient Tracking & Intelligent Choices Application) is a secure cloud application, built by NECS in collaboration with NHS trusts and local authorities, which tracks all admitted patients and the tasks relating to their discharge in real-time through their hospital journey.

OPTICA enables multidisciplinary teams to easily understand where discharges from hospitals are being avoidably delayed, for how long, why, who is responsible and the missed opportunity cost to the organisation. It has been proven to help trusts minimise avoidable delayed discharges, reduce delay days, average patient length of stay, maximise bed utilisation and increase overall discharge team efficiency.

To read this entry in full visit HSJ Solutions.

Highly commended

Person Centred Software, Digital Transformation NHS England (London Region) and OneLondon: Connecting Care Homes to the London Care Record


NHS SCW, Bristol City Council, North Somerset Council, South Gloucestershire Council, NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB: Sharing Information to Underpin and Support Safeguarding and Improve Care for Adults and Children Receiving Social Care Services

Lancashire & South Cumbria ICB: NHS Careers Northwest Website

Great North Care Record: Bringing the North East and North Cumbria’s health and care together

NHSE North West Widening Participation, Careers & Apprenticeship Team & Lancashire & South Cumbria ICB: Creating Careers a Step Ahead

Hertfordshire and West Essex ICS: Hertfordshire and West Essex Shared Care Record Supported by ‘My Care Record’

NHS LLR ICB: The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) Care Record

Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICS: Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Connected Care Programme

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